Search query: art

10 Reasons To Love FaceBook!

There have been so many arguments lately for why people should close their FaceBook account. The biggest reason is the privacy issue. I have been on ...
The Most Accurate Flying Vehicle Ever!

The Most Accurate Flying Vehicle Ever!

Ever taken a cross Atlantic flight? Well, let me tell you... it can be quite bumpy but also quite smooth. As soon as you enter the jet stream in the ...
The Hoverboard From “Back To The Future II” Is Now A Reality!

The Hoverboard From “Back To The Future II” Is Now A Reality!

There are many movies from the '80s that we all remember and idolize. They are the essence of our childhood and they bring back memories of awesomene ...
The Next Generation Fridge – Yes, It’s All About Touch!

The Next Generation Fridge – Yes, It’s All About Touch!

Everything is advancing and there's really no stopping it. Soon enough the flippin pillow will have its own incorporated alarm clock and vibrator to ...

A Practical Guide For Managing Time

People have always asked us here at Bit Rebels how we can do so many things and yet still be able to write our articles. Managing one's time is imp ...
This Is The Geekiest Thing You’ll Read All Day

This Is The Geekiest Thing You’ll Read All Day

Warning: If you don't have a pocket protector with at least 12 pencils, don't even attempt to read this article. This is proof that there is a secre ...
USB Flash Memory Cufflinks For The Lavish Geek

USB Flash Memory Cufflinks For The Lavish Geek

Again I just have to touch on the subject of USB memory sticks and their potential unbeatable use. As you all know, I have been reviewing quite a lot ...

15 Reasons To Love Twitter!

When I started to use Twitter in 2008, it was not as popular as it is today. Just imagine in my country it is now no. 5 in terms of popularity. Back ...
New eReader Gadget Draws Inspiration From Ancient Scrolls

New eReader Gadget Draws Inspiration From Ancient Scrolls

We're getting more and more used to reading books, guides and tutorials on a gadget instead of a regular book or a penfold. It's like we're now chang ...
New Fashion Trend – High Heels For Men (For Real!)

New Fashion Trend – High Heels For Men (For Real!)

According to reports in Jezebel, the Times Online and many other news, entertainment and fashion sources in the past few days, there is a new fashion ...

How Social Media Can Help With SEO!

There are so many inquiries that I have received already in terms of SEO or Search Engine Optimization. What is it? How can we implement it on our o ...
Star Wars Lego Chess Board: The Climax Of Genius!

Star Wars Lego Chess Board: The Climax Of Genius!

I am such a huge sucker for Lego and everything about it. I don't really know why. Maybe it's the child in me that is constantly making itself known ...
You Want Moonlight? – Check Out This Street Light!

You Want Moonlight? – Check Out This Street Light!

A romantic evening should always end with a full moon shining its light on you with stars sprinkled around it. How can you be sure that your date wil ...

Ultra Inspiring Demo Reel By Ronald Monahan

As you guys know, I am a designer first but also a heavy fan of computer generated graphics as seen on my other site, I am a CG junkie ...
USBLink Together – The Male And Female Choice

USBLink Together – The Male And Female Choice

I am literally flooded with USB memory sticks and looking for a new one is certainly not the easiest of things to do, especially if you want one that ...
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