Search query: business

AdMobilize Earns You Extra Cash If You’ll Be A Human Ad Billboard

AdMobilize Earns You Extra Cash If You’ll Be A Human Ad Billboard

2013 could become the year of the big choices. Online advertising and advertising in general are moving in several different directions, and no one re ...
How To Get A Job At Apple: An Insider’s Guide [Infographic]

How To Get A Job At Apple: An Insider’s Guide [Infographic]

People who love what they do for a living are much happier in life than people who don't. It's a known fact. With as many hours as we all work each da ...
Workplace Personality Types: How They Support Each Other [Infographic]

Workplace Personality Types: How They Support Each Other [Infographic]

There are so many workplace personality types, and when they collide, even the most innocent communications can get twisted and become horrible. I kno ...
The Search Engine Evolution Timeline [Infographic]

The Search Engine Evolution Timeline [Infographic]

For a while, the Internet was just one giant document storage center. There was no optimized way to search for what you were looking for, and the Inte ...
Smartphone App Provides An Accurate Urine Analysis Using Your Camera

Smartphone App Provides An Accurate Urine Analysis Using Your Camera

I've written about using our smartphones in the bathroom and all the issues related to that many times. I'm happy to see that now there is a real reas ...
AirGo Airline Seat Design Could Change Airline Comfort Forever

AirGo Airline Seat Design Could Change Airline Comfort Forever

As competition gets tougher, prices go down. That's pretty much the effect in any area of business. They say it's good for consumers since competition ...
Social Media Consumers & Trends Update [Infographic]

Social Media Consumers & Trends Update [Infographic]

When brands try to promote their latest service, offer or just themselves through social media, it can sometimes be a bit of a blind fumble. Not knowi ...
3D Cloning Now Possible With Low Cost Startup Scanner

3D Cloning Now Possible With Low Cost Startup Scanner

With 3D printing technology becoming so popular lately, more and more "accessories" are also being innovated. We seem to love the fact that we can now ...
Worldwide Apple Suppliers Interactive Map Shows Where Apple Buys Parts

Worldwide Apple Suppliers Interactive Map Shows Where Apple Buys Parts

Every once in a while, the question of Apple parts comes up. Where do they get all the parts they use for their products, and what countries manufactu ...
Best Cheat Sheet For Getting App Reviews [Infographic]

Best Cheat Sheet For Getting App Reviews [Infographic]

It has been called the new gold rush, and it is an ever expanding business. I am talking about apps, which is the one thing that makes all of our smar ...
Top 10 Best Ad Campaigns & Slogans Of All Time [Infographic]

Top 10 Best Ad Campaigns & Slogans Of All Time [Infographic]

When you think back over the past few decades, what are the best ad campaigns that come to your mind? There are so many I can think of immediately, bu ...
Oreo Cookie Animation: Watch It Jump Right Into The Milk For A Swim

Oreo Cookie Animation: Watch It Jump Right Into The Milk For A Swim

Oreo cookies are simply the best cookies ever. A handful of Oreos, a tall glass of cold milk and a Star Wars movie (any of them) really come together ...
Digital Watermarks Will Enable Augmented Reality On Our TVs

Digital Watermarks Will Enable Augmented Reality On Our TVs

Digital content is becoming more and more interactive. Even our business cards now have QR codes which enable us to utilize augmented reality. It's so ...
What Your Online Brand Says About You [Infographic]

What Your Online Brand Says About You [Infographic]

Have you ever been so proud of a brand offline, but when you see their social media presence, which is their online brand, you are suddenly embarrasse ...
Apple iWatch: What The Curved Glass Wristwatch Design Could Look Like

Apple iWatch: What The Curved Glass Wristwatch Design Could Look Like

We all know that wearable tech has gone from a trend in 2012 to a phenomenon in 2013, and the fact that there are still grumblings about the Apple iWa ...
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