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How To: Effectively Photograph A Splash

How To: Effectively Photograph A Splash

Some days when I want to feature some extraordinary photography or effect for you, it's hard to pick which one to write about since there are so many ...
How To Be The Perfect Pickup Artist – The Tricks [Infographic]

How To Be The Perfect Pickup Artist – The Tricks [Infographic]

It's not a secret that geeks have a somewhat hard time when it comes to socializing with girls. Whether it is a stereotype that has been created by co ...
Recycle Flashmob: The Roar Of A Thousand Environmentalists

Recycle Flashmob: The Roar Of A Thousand Environmentalists

If you recycle then you know the benefits of it. It's not only good for the environment, but you also get a few cents for it or whatever. There are st ...
Wings Of Malibu: House Made From A Boeing 747 [Update]

Wings Of Malibu: House Made From A Boeing 747 [Update]

We've reported on several weird looking houses around the world since we first started Bit Rebels, and it seems there are still people out there who w ...
Prison Beauty Contests: Winner Gets Early Release

Prison Beauty Contests: Winner Gets Early Release

I had no idea this existed until today, and it's fascinating to me. I know I'm naive when it comes to what prison life is like, but in the past when I ...
Restaurant Menus Recreated To Be Honest [Humor]

Restaurant Menus Recreated To Be Honest [Humor]

Are you a fan of restaurant chains? I'm not. Every now and then I get a Waffle House attack, and I have to get something scattered and smothered, but ...
Yarn Bombing: A Global Graffiti Phenomenon

Yarn Bombing: A Global Graffiti Phenomenon

I've got another trend alert for you today, and this time, it's a form of beautifully artistic vandalism, art or graffiti (whichever description you p ...
When Animals Go Star Wars On Each Other…

When Animals Go Star Wars On Each Other…

When we think of Star Wars, we always think of some kind of lightsabre fight, right? Of course we do, and it's because that's pretty much what makes u ...
Everything Is A Remix: All Of Kill Bill’s References [Video]

Everything Is A Remix: All Of Kill Bill’s References [Video]

It should come as no surprise to anyone who is a movie freak that most movies released today are just a remix of something that has already been relea ...
The Burning House: The Things People Would Save

The Burning House: The Things People Would Save

There are events in everyone's life that we would rather not live through, and if we had a remote control a la the movie Click!, I am sure we would us ...
Facebook Cufflinks For Fashionable Facebook Addicts

Facebook Cufflinks For Fashionable Facebook Addicts

I think it's safe to say that most people are addicted to Facebook on some level. Richard wrote an article the other day called The World Is Officiall ...
Foodies: Creative Hot Chocolate Cupcake Design

Foodies: Creative Hot Chocolate Cupcake Design

I don't know what it is about cupcakes, but we love them! I don't eat them very often, but I sure like looking at them. As cupcakes once again gain po ...
Current Geosocial Universe: Who’s The Big Dog Now?

Current Geosocial Universe: Who’s The Big Dog Now?

For a while now, the term geosocial has been quite a buzzword in the social media world. If you are unfamiliar with geosocial or the phrase geosocial ...
5 Totally Unnecessary Facts For When You’re Bored [Infographic]

5 Totally Unnecessary Facts For When You’re Bored [Infographic]

Every once in a while we find ourselves in the dead space of boredom, and there seems to be nothing we can do to get out of it. That doesn't really ha ...
Full Size Lego Bike: Geeks Ride In Style

Full Size Lego Bike: Geeks Ride In Style

Do you guys remember when I wrote "Can't Afford A Car? Build A Lego One..." back when Bit Rebels was kind of new? There were a lot of people actually ...
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