Search query: iphone

5 Convenient Ways To Learn How To Cook

5 Convenient Ways To Learn How To Cook

Ever since I moved to this wonderful country, I have been on my own and learning how to do a lot of new things. I know it may seem weird to you that I ...
Apple’s Official Playset Brings The Apple Store Home To You

Apple’s Official Playset Brings The Apple Store Home To You

Leave it to Apple to figure out a way to create lifelong customers from the moment a toddler picks up one of these little Apple Store playsets. This l ...
Nokia Timeline: This Is Pure Porn For Nokia Lovers

Nokia Timeline: This Is Pure Porn For Nokia Lovers

The day had to come when I had to incorporate "porn" into one of my articles. I have been able to elude the word for 1,401 articles, but this one had ...
Scan Yourself: Geeky Barcode (QR Code) Tattoos

Scan Yourself: Geeky Barcode (QR Code) Tattoos

I've read about these tattoos for a few years now, but only recently have they moved from obscure websites to popular culture. Many people like them b ...
Traveling Geeks: The Ultimate Wireless Luggage Finder

Traveling Geeks: The Ultimate Wireless Luggage Finder

Finding our luggage at the airport baggage claim can be really stressful. That is why I don't even like checking luggage. I'm flying all the way to Ch ...
The Greatest Drunk Dial Voicemail Ever

The Greatest Drunk Dial Voicemail Ever

Omg, I betcha this is going to be one of the funniest things you read about all day. Yesterday I wrote an article called How To: Delete A Drunk Night ...
How To: Delete A Drunk Night On Twitter & Facebook

How To: Delete A Drunk Night On Twitter & Facebook

I'm sure you have never had one too many glasses of wine and started tweeting and DM'ing inappropriate stuff like a maniac, of course not! *wink* Howe ...
Angry Birds: The Movie (Trailer)

Angry Birds: The Movie (Trailer)

I don't know which is more fun to read about, the fact that a full-length film could conceivably be based on an app, or that Rooster Teeth was able to ...
The Last Supper: 17 Of The Best Parody Illustrations

The Last Supper: 17 Of The Best Parody Illustrations

Earlier this month I wrote about a Last Supper parody called The Last Breakfast. It was a very creative illustration made with breakfast cereal charac ...
The Culture Of The Class Of 2011 [Infographic]

The Culture Of The Class Of 2011 [Infographic]

Everything in our lives has changed, and it's happened so quickly. Do you still remember the icons that describe your era? I especially love it when p ...
WTF: The William & Kate Commemorative Refrigerator

WTF: The William & Kate Commemorative Refrigerator

I don't really get into the royal wedding frenzy each time one of those events is about to happen. However, this time, with Prince William and Kate Mi ...
Multitasking: This Is Your Brain On Social Media

Multitasking: This Is Your Brain On Social Media

Are you good at multitasking? I've been a scatter brain my whole life, so for me, sometimes it's hard to concentrate on one thing, much less a bunch, ...
Visual Inspiration: Psychedelic Exploding Egg Photography

Visual Inspiration: Psychedelic Exploding Egg Photography

After an unseasonably cold winter, I'm happy to report that it is officially spring in Atlanta! Yay! Other than my iPhone getting covered in pollen th ...
The Costs Associated With Buying New Technology

The Costs Associated With Buying New Technology

After having a few generations of Android phones and pushing their geeky capabilities as far as I could, I bought a Verizon iPhone 4 the day they were ...
Mercedes Brabus iBusiness: The Most Technology Stuffed Car Ever

Mercedes Brabus iBusiness: The Most Technology Stuffed Car Ever

A while ago I wrote about the most Applified Mercedez Benz ever customized, and there were a lot of people who really liked the experience of that car ...
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