Search query: job

The Real Cost Of The iPhone 5S & How Much Apple Makes

The Real Cost Of The iPhone 5S & How Much Apple Makes

Many people are curious how Apple became one of the world's most profitable companies, and that is of course a legit question. It is mainly thanks to ...
CuBox: A Powerful PC Small Enough To Compete With Raspberry Pi

CuBox: A Powerful PC Small Enough To Compete With Raspberry Pi

I don't think anyone missed the launch of Raspberry Pi and how hyped this little PC computer was. Many people thought it would come in a box or some k ...
7 Barriers To Landing Page Optimization [Infographic]

7 Barriers To Landing Page Optimization [Infographic]

When visiting a website for the first time, what do you immediately look for and what is it that you are looking to experience? I think everyone has a ...
5 Weird Habits Of Successful People [Infographic]

5 Weird Habits Of Successful People [Infographic]

Did you know that a lot of successful people have some pretty weird habits? Some could have contributed to their overall success in an unforeseen way. ...
13 Personality Types Found In Almost Every Busy Office [Infographic]

13 Personality Types Found In Almost Every Busy Office [Infographic]

Everyone likes to think they have an easy-going personality and can get along with anyone. If you've ever worked in a busy office with a bunch of peop ...
Get Your Sanity Back: The Ultimate Guide To Unplugging [Infographic]

Get Your Sanity Back: The Ultimate Guide To Unplugging [Infographic]

If you are like me, you often times stumble onto blog posts that talk about the importance of unplugging. I used to roll my eyes when I read those. I ...
Social Business Card: Create Instant Networking Profile Business Card

Social Business Card: Create Instant Networking Profile Business Card

When it comes to business cards, I am probably the laziest person you will ever come across. I procrastinate getting new ones to the point where I act ...
5 Reasons Why It’s A Good Idea To Teach Kids How To Code [Infographic]

5 Reasons Why It’s A Good Idea To Teach Kids How To Code [Infographic]

Kids these days have access to much better technology than we did when we were young. I remember thinking my pocket-sized Space Invaders game was the ...
Does Microsoft Need To Let Go Of Bill Gates To Survive?

Does Microsoft Need To Let Go Of Bill Gates To Survive?

Beginning in the 1980s, and cemented in the 1990s, Microsoft became the dominant tech player in the computer industry, largely thanks to its Windows a ...
The Ultimate iPhone Speed Test On Every iPhone Ever Made [Video]

The Ultimate iPhone Speed Test On Every iPhone Ever Made [Video]

I remember several years ago when the best smartphone on the market was the iPhone. Nowadays there are so many good options that you really can't go w ...
How To Make Siri Correctly Pronounce Names In Your Contacts In iOS 7

How To Make Siri Correctly Pronounce Names In Your Contacts In iOS 7

If you've got a friend, colleague or family member with a unique name, and that person is in your contact list, it can be annoying when Siri pronounce ...
15 Inspiring Design Quotes To Get You Through The Day [Infographic]

15 Inspiring Design Quotes To Get You Through The Day [Infographic]

If you work in a creative field, you probably struggle to find your inspiration from time to time. It happens to all of us, and although the creativit ...
Artistic Sushi Rolls: Pop Culture Designs Created On A Sushi Canvas

Artistic Sushi Rolls: Pop Culture Designs Created On A Sushi Canvas

We've featured so much fabulous food art over the years that it now seems natural to play with our food, or at least it does for me. Artistic expressi ...
Reckless Internet Habits That Make You Almost Unemployable [Checklist]

Reckless Internet Habits That Make You Almost Unemployable [Checklist]

Earlier this month, Jobvite released the results of their 2013 Social Recruiting Survey. When I read the report, it was really just a confirmation of ...
DIY Star Wars Landspeeder…For When You Want To Scoot Around In Style

DIY Star Wars Landspeeder…For When You Want To Scoot Around In Style

If I could choose a fictional vehicle to drive IRL, a landspeeder would be my number 6 choice. It would come after the Batmobile, the DeLorean in Back ...
1 132 133 134 135 136 175 2010 / 2619 POSTS