Search query: robot

Two Guys Turned This Indsutrial Robot Into A Tattoo Master

Two Guys Turned This Indsutrial Robot Into A Tattoo Master

If you have ever had a tattoo done, you know that once you have chosen your tattoo, it's out of your hands. The quality of the tattoo is then in the h ...
Uber Hires Robot Security Guards To Patrol Their Inspection Lot

Uber Hires Robot Security Guards To Patrol Their Inspection Lot

Uber as a company continues to grow, however, primarily adding robot employees. The taxi service has made quite a few headlines since the start. Many ...
DARPA’s DURUS Robot Walks Exactly Like A Human

DARPA’s DURUS Robot Walks Exactly Like A Human

Anyone who has seen the movie iRobot, starring Will Smith, probably thought, at the time, that it will be quite a while before we see bipedal androids ...
Guy Spends $50,000 On A Robot That Looks Like Scarlett Johansson

Guy Spends $50,000 On A Robot That Looks Like Scarlett Johansson

If you can't get celebrities to wear the clothes that you design, what do you do? You can do what Hong Kong-based designer Ricky Ma did and build a ro ...
Autonomous Pizza-Delivering Robots To Start Trial In Europe

Autonomous Pizza-Delivering Robots To Start Trial In Europe

Ordering a pizza in the future could be a whole different experience than it is today. A new company by the name of Starship Technologies (pretty rad ...
New Robot Moves Like Water And Can Build Itself

New Robot Moves Like Water And Can Build Itself

How do you create a robot that can do pretty much anything? It is a task that thousands of researchers and home builders are trying to solve. For one ...
OceanOne Is A Robotic Diver That Performs Like A Human

OceanOne Is A Robotic Diver That Performs Like A Human

A team at Stanford University has developed what looks like a robot mermaid that performs like a human. It's called OceanOne and is a robotic diver hu ...
This Two-Legged Human-Like Robot Can Do Anything You Can

This Two-Legged Human-Like Robot Can Do Anything You Can

A couple of days ago I wrote about the first fully bionic man and it seems to have struck a chord with you guys. The fact is that while he is the robo ...
World’s First Fully Bionic Man Is A $1 Million Robot

World’s First Fully Bionic Man Is A $1 Million Robot

Researchers and developers have long tried to create the first fully bionic man with the help of highly advanced technology. We have seen them in movi ...
$20,000 Personal Walker Robot Toy For Kids Will Annihilate Bullies

$20,000 Personal Walker Robot Toy For Kids Will Annihilate Bullies

Each year toys get more advanced. It seems no matter how prepared I am, there is always a new groundbreaking toy I couldn't have foreseen. Unfortunate ...
These Robot Plants Can Learn How To Grow Just Like Your Real Plants

These Robot Plants Can Learn How To Grow Just Like Your Real Plants

The future of robotics is fascinating but creepy. Robots can be programmed to 'feel emotions' (or at least look like they can) and behave very much li ...
Future Of Retirement: The Elder-Care Robot That Will Look After You

Future Of Retirement: The Elder-Care Robot That Will Look After You

How would you feel about a robot looking after you in your elderly years? With an estimated 1.5 billion people expected to be over 65 by 2050, we woul ...
BrickPi Kit Turns Your Raspberry Pi Into Your Own Custom LEGO Robot

BrickPi Kit Turns Your Raspberry Pi Into Your Own Custom LEGO Robot

If you got your hands on a Raspberry Pi last year when they became available, you've probably had a lot of fun with it. Even though I've had my Pi fro ...
Trash-Powered Cleaning Robot Will Eat The Trash & Dirt In Your House

Trash-Powered Cleaning Robot Will Eat The Trash & Dirt In Your House

Many times I've imagined what it would be like to have a cleaning robot roam around my house all day, keeping it sparkly clean. In my mind, it was alw ...

Self-Driving Robot Cars Now Roll On Sidewalks In Japan

It's amazing how fast technology is progressing at the moment. Just a couple years ago, the thought of a self-driving vehicle would have made even the ...
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