Search query: student

Twitter Analyzer Can Determine Your Age By Evaluating Your Tweets

Twitter Analyzer Can Determine Your Age By Evaluating Your Tweets

Ageism in social media is a double-edged sword. With Twitter specifically, ageism isn't apparent (at least to me) in the Twitter stream. Anyone with a ...
Return Of The Jedi Junior: Star Wars That Kids Can Relate To [Video]

Return Of The Jedi Junior: Star Wars That Kids Can Relate To [Video]

If you are looking for a way to introduce your mini-me geeks to Star Wars, I may have found the perfect solution for you. You can get them as excited ...
Touchscreen Braille Smartphone For Visually Impaired Techies

Touchscreen Braille Smartphone For Visually Impaired Techies

Wouldn't it be nice if visually impaired people around the world could get to feel the same feeling you got the first time you experienced a smartphon ...
Teachers Can Use Digital Reading Tracker To Check Your Study Habits

Teachers Can Use Digital Reading Tracker To Check Your Study Habits

I remember taking those dreadful literature classes at university where the instructor required us to read huge books and participate in class discuss ...
Fake Girlfriend Device Simulates A Girlfriend (Complete With Hugs)

Fake Girlfriend Device Simulates A Girlfriend (Complete With Hugs)

Long gone are the days when geeks can't get girlfriends. That stereotype has been shattered many times, and now geeks are in high demand, well, at lea ...
Undies With GPS & Electrical Shock Embedded To Help In Self-Defense

Undies With GPS & Electrical Shock Embedded To Help In Self-Defense

In a certain part of the world where women feel unsafe, they are now taking an element of their security into their own hands. According to a report l ...
High Tech Translator Pen Could Revolutionize Reading & Writing

High Tech Translator Pen Could Revolutionize Reading & Writing

When I went to school, there were no gadgets that could instantly translate spoken words or text into other languages. Even though I am not that old, ...
The Remote Control Design That Will Make You Want To Watch TV Again

The Remote Control Design That Will Make You Want To Watch TV Again

Although there have been a lot of new ideas published about how a more advanced television remote control might change our lives, none of them have ca ...
How Techspeak Can Hurt Your English Grammar Skills [Infographic]

How Techspeak Can Hurt Your English Grammar Skills [Infographic]

If you spend a lot of time on text, Twitter, Skype chat or any other instant messaging service (who doesn't these days?), you might find it easier to ...
3D Printing Vending Machine Creates 3D Printed Designs Fast & Easy

3D Printing Vending Machine Creates 3D Printed Designs Fast & Easy

As awesome as 3D printing is, most people still don't have access to it. Unless you have a 3D printer at home, if you want something 3D printed, you t ...
SXSW 2013: LEGO Shows Off Their Newest Generation Of LEGO Robotics

SXSW 2013: LEGO Shows Off Their Newest Generation Of LEGO Robotics

Two months ago LEGO Education announced the latest versions of LEGO robotics in their MindStorms series, which will be available later this year. Mind ...
AdMobilize Earns You Extra Cash If You’ll Be A Human Ad Billboard

AdMobilize Earns You Extra Cash If You’ll Be A Human Ad Billboard

2013 could become the year of the big choices. Online advertising and advertising in general are moving in several different directions, and no one re ...
AirGo Airline Seat Design Could Change Airline Comfort Forever

AirGo Airline Seat Design Could Change Airline Comfort Forever

As competition gets tougher, prices go down. That's pretty much the effect in any area of business. They say it's good for consumers since competition ...
Fingerprint Scan Payment Technology That Makes Sure You’re Alive

Fingerprint Scan Payment Technology That Makes Sure You’re Alive

The eyeball and fingerprint scans in the movies are always inspiring to watch since they hint at our future. Of course "Mission Impossible" comes to m ...
Mood-Detecting Smartphone Apps Help Psychologists Diagnose Patients

Mood-Detecting Smartphone Apps Help Psychologists Diagnose Patients

Over the past few days, I've read about a couple of smartphone apps and computer programs that are smart enough to detect our moods, and after researc ...
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