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The Evolution Of Video Game Controllers: Version 2.0 [Infographic]

The Evolution Of Video Game Controllers: Version 2.0 [Infographic]

Yes, I am a huge game junkie, and every free second I get (which isn't often) I try to play something new and exciting. I've been through World of War ...
Sleeveface: Album Covers Are Popular Once Again [10 Pics]

Sleeveface: Album Covers Are Popular Once Again [10 Pics]

I have to admit, I'm getting kinda sick of the planking, owling, cone-ing, horsemaning and now batmanning trends. I'm coming to realize that nothing c ...
Don’t Look Down: The World’s Scariest Ferris Wheel

Don’t Look Down: The World’s Scariest Ferris Wheel

I've written about some scary designs before, but I never thought it would be in the form of a carnival ride. Since my heart would beat out of my ches ...
Epic Lego Predator Bust Totally Brags About Skulls Collected

Epic Lego Predator Bust Totally Brags About Skulls Collected

All you Lego fanatics out there know that whenever there is a new epic build, we cover it. Hopefully all of you will keep sending us your builds so we ...
Dog Cosplay: 12 Ridiculously Amazing Pet Costumes

Dog Cosplay: 12 Ridiculously Amazing Pet Costumes

The world is becoming ever more weird! Even though I don't personally have any pets these days, I have been the proud owner of a cat, a bird and some ...
If Twitter Had Been Around In The ’90s

If Twitter Had Been Around In The ’90s

If Twitter had been around in the '90s, don't you think it would be fun to come to go back and look at your tweets from that decade? Twitter is kind o ...
You Might Be Surprised What’s Trending On China’s Twitter Now

You Might Be Surprised What’s Trending On China’s Twitter Now

I was in Shanghai a few months ago for a Black Card Circle charity event. After being on a 20-hour flight with no Wi-Fi, I was feeling Twitter withdra ...
Internet 1996 vs. Internet 2011 [Infographic]

Internet 1996 vs. Internet 2011 [Infographic]

If you've been Internet savvy since back in the '80s, you know that it used to take forever to even download text on the screen. Images were a pain, a ...
15 Buzz Lightyear Illustrations That Take You To Infinity & Beyond

15 Buzz Lightyear Illustrations That Take You To Infinity & Beyond

The original Toy Story movie will always hold a special place in my heart. I remember it was the first time I ever saw a Disney animated movie that I ...
Famous Fashion Designer Styles Turned Into 8-Bit Pixel Art

Famous Fashion Designer Styles Turned Into 8-Bit Pixel Art

I can't decide if this is considered 8-bit fashion or pixel art, so maybe I'll just say it's a combination of style and art. If you are familiar with ...
My Jedi Quiet Book: A Star Wars Embroidered Storybook

My Jedi Quiet Book: A Star Wars Embroidered Storybook

I sometimes wish I was a little bit more... hands-on when it comes to creativity. I don't "create" many things other than what's on a computer, and ev ...
Old Timey Star Wars: The Renaissance Take On The Series

Old Timey Star Wars: The Renaissance Take On The Series

This morning I booted up the Star Wars series (the original one) and started watching episode 2, The Empire Strikes Back. I usually play a movie in th ...
Live Long & Prosper With Star Trek Sugar Cookies

Live Long & Prosper With Star Trek Sugar Cookies

As all true Trekkies know, yesterday marked the 45th anniversary of Star Trek. It's hard to believe that the first episode of Star Trek aired on telev ...
10 Sarcastically Funny TV & Movie Screencaps

10 Sarcastically Funny TV & Movie Screencaps

Back in the old days, when I had to run home from the bus stop after school to make it in time to watch Tom and Jerry at exactly 4:00, there was no ch ...
Super Mario Fans: Geeky Wii Video Game Charm Bracelet

Super Mario Fans: Geeky Wii Video Game Charm Bracelet

I don't know what's going on lately, but it seems like geeky jewelry is becoming more and more popular. Each week we feature items from Etsy and other ...
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