Search query: work

How Technology Changed Our Workplace Communication [Infographic]

How Technology Changed Our Workplace Communication [Infographic]

There is no question technology and mobile devices have changed the way we work and workplace communication in general. What I'd like to write about t ...
IFTTT: A Solution For Flawlessly Connecting All Our Social Networks

IFTTT: A Solution For Flawlessly Connecting All Our Social Networks

Advancements in technology have revolutionized society in too may ways to count in the last decade. From smartphones to social media, everything has b ...
2 Useful Twitter Tools That Will Help You Network The Right Way

2 Useful Twitter Tools That Will Help You Network The Right Way

When it comes to social media, you don’t get much more social than Twitter. Since it was hatched, Twitter has become a place for breaking news, trendi ...
CircleMe: Innovative Social Network Helps You Collect What You Love

CircleMe: Innovative Social Network Helps You Collect What You Love

Have you tried CircleMe yet? You might think at first glance, "NO...not another social network site," but when you take a closer look at CircleMe, you ...
Social Media Affects Our Productivity At Work Big Time [Infographic]

Social Media Affects Our Productivity At Work Big Time [Infographic]

Yesterday Richard published an article with 12 Tips For Increasing Productivity. As I read that list which the creator of the infographic put together ...
The Downside To Drinking Coffee: One Workaholic’s Experience

The Downside To Drinking Coffee: One Workaholic’s Experience

Drinking coffee has its pros and cons. With the amount of work I do during the week, whether it be producing a podcast, writing new blogs, working on ...
Apple To Create iPhone Tools & Social Network For Hearing Impaired

Apple To Create iPhone Tools & Social Network For Hearing Impaired

By now, it's no secret that Apple is a leading innovator in technology. From their development of computers, iPods, iPhones, iPads, and more, we have ...
Utensils Mod For Pens: Keep Working While Eating Lunch

Utensils Mod For Pens: Keep Working While Eating Lunch

I think all of us have at some point sat down to eat lunch when we suddenly realized we didn't have any utensils available. It's the ultimate annoyanc ...
Negative SEO & How It Works [Infographic]

Negative SEO & How It Works [Infographic]

It is said that 11 million people search for the word SEO every month on Google. That is a lot of traffic going to all of the websites that are entire ...
Hardcore Networkers: Dress Like Your Favorite Social Media Site

Hardcore Networkers: Dress Like Your Favorite Social Media Site

I'm sure some of you are social media addicts just like we are here at Bit Rebels. If we get a second to spare, we usually spend it on social networki ...
Zombie Skull Pencil Holder For The Horrific Office Worker

Zombie Skull Pencil Holder For The Horrific Office Worker

Are you constantly trying to keep people out of your cubicle at work? Are you furiously looking for a solution to keep your privacy intact since you h ...
World’s Cheapest Cardboard Digital Camera (Yes, It Really Works)

World’s Cheapest Cardboard Digital Camera (Yes, It Really Works)

I started reading about this super simple cardboard camera a few months ago after IKEA put it in their press kit during Milan Design Week. The more I ...
How 3D Printing The Human Body Works [Infographic]

How 3D Printing The Human Body Works [Infographic]

As some of you know, we here at Bit Rebels believe that 3D printing is the next big leap in technology. Not only will it present new lifestyles and ch ...
Clockwork Horrors & Ancient Time Lords At PAX East

Clockwork Horrors & Ancient Time Lords At PAX East

There's always some awesome stuff to be found on Reddit, though sadly, I have to admit that I wasn't the one who discovered this one this time around. ...
How To Turn A Banana (Or Anything Else) Into A Working Touchpad

How To Turn A Banana (Or Anything Else) Into A Working Touchpad

This is definitely the most innovative and exciting piece of technology that I've seen today. It's also the most successful product I've ever seen on ...
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