Search query: workplace

How To Make Sure Your Business Is Carrying Out Risk Assessments Correctly

How To Make Sure Your Business Is Carrying Out Risk Assessments Correctly

Hearing the phrase ‘risk assessment’ tends to be met with a mixed response. Whether it’s an eye-roll from workers, or a sharp intake of breath from ma ...
Giving Back – The Impact Of Employee Volunteering Programs

Giving Back – The Impact Of Employee Volunteering Programs

Employee volunteering programs are on the rise. Fifty-nine percent of companies surveyed in CECP’s 2015 Giving in Numbers report provided paid time fo ...
The Quick Guide To The Employee Onboarding Process

The Quick Guide To The Employee Onboarding Process

Each year in the United States, more than 25 percent of the working population experiences career transitions, according to the Society for Human Reso ...
Why The Latest Tech Innovations Are Worth Investing In

Why The Latest Tech Innovations Are Worth Investing In

In the modern world, the technology industry is shifting all the time. While most of the news is focused on the goings-on at big-name companies like A ...
10 Creative Employee Engagement Ideas That Work

10 Creative Employee Engagement Ideas That Work

According to a 2017 Gallup poll, 51 percent of employees are either actively searching for new jobs or keeping an eye on job openings. This likely has ...
The Value Of Information In The Modern Day And Age

The Value Of Information In The Modern Day And Age

We have actually heard a million and one times that information is power. The truth is that no one can dispute this. The relevance and importance of i ...
Parcel Broker Breaks Barriers With “The Wall” From Game Of Thrones

Parcel Broker Breaks Barriers With “The Wall” From Game Of Thrones

After months of debate, theory-sharing, and re-watches, Game of Thrones has finally returned to our screens. The highly anticipated season 7 of HBO’s ...
The Advantages Of An Air Purifier – What Can It Do For You?

The Advantages Of An Air Purifier – What Can It Do For You?

At present different types of air purifier are available on the market which can make the customers feel really confused. In fact, you will come acros ...
How To Keep Your Cool – Dealing With First World Technical Problems

How To Keep Your Cool – Dealing With First World Technical Problems

4 Suggestions on getting through your day without losing your cool - Whoever put the concept of first world problems into words deserves special recog ...
How To Find Out If Your Remote Employees Are A Security Risk?

How To Find Out If Your Remote Employees Are A Security Risk?

More and more employees are working remotely these days and this has brought with it a great deal of convenience, flexibility, and even added expertis ...
5 Important Business Safety Tips To Always Remember

5 Important Business Safety Tips To Always Remember

As the owner or manager of a business, one of your responsibilities – and priorities – is ensuring proper safety procedures are in place. Safety in th ...
What To Look For In A Customer Service Representative

What To Look For In A Customer Service Representative

In most cases, these are the only people at your company with which your customers will have contact. Which, for all intents and purposes, means they ...
Cliche Concerns – Technology Has Changed So Why Not Businesses?

Cliche Concerns – Technology Has Changed So Why Not Businesses?

Businesses should be at the very forefront of cost-saving technology. It’s often developed in response to problems significant to the bottom line of b ...
Office Inspiration – The Coolest Offices Around The World

Office Inspiration – The Coolest Offices Around The World

Evidently, shiny perks and generous benefit programs are not the only things that will inspire an employee to stay and work with passion. Employees wo ...
Let Nostalgia Kick In With This Awesome Pong Coffee Table

Let Nostalgia Kick In With This Awesome Pong Coffee Table

One of the oldest arcade video games is back and how! If you have played the 8-bit version of Pong in your childhood then you are in for a treat. A gr ...
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