13 Must-Know Tips For A Successful Facebook Page [Infographic]

To gain more followers and influence on Facebook, you need to share interesting and captivating content. People are constantly bombarded with content these days so making your content eye-catching is of utmost importance. Occasionally we might see our follower count go down and we keep wondering why that is. The reasons for this can be many. Growth on Facebook is anything but linear. It requires constant work and an understanding of your followers across the board. To maintain a successful Facebook page does not have to be that difficult. In this article, we are going to have a look at a few things that you can do and avoid in order to keep your Facebook page growing.

One of the most common mistakes, and one that we have been guilty of as well is to share too many posts. You have to keep in mind that people on Facebook are constantly bombarded with posts from every direction. [pullquote]If you add more noise to the mix you are more than likely to be ignored or even unfollowed.[/pullquote]

If you would stop sharing content on your Facebook page you won’t lose as many followers as you would on any other social media platform. That is the good thing about Facebook. People are too busy unfollowing other, perhaps more spammy, accounts instead. However, don’t be too silent. Before long they will see that you are no longer active and they will unfollow you instead.

Another really useful feature on your Facebook page that most people and companies are not using is the Call-To-Action button. This button can add a lot more engagement to your Facebook page and should not be overlooked. There are many ways you can utilize this button. For example, use it to ask people to watch a video, use an app, shop or sign up. It’s a great way to allow people to get to know your brand in a whole new way.

There are many more things you can do to maintain a successful Facebook page and you can read more about those tips in the infographic below. It’s called “13 Must-Know Tips For A Successful Facebook Page” and is created by Quill. Have a look and become one of Facebook’s most engaged and popular pages in no time at all. If you have other tips that may help maintain a successful Facebook page, please let us know in the comment section below.

How To Maintain A Successful Facebook Page

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13 Tips Successful Facebook Page

13 Tips Successful Facebook Page Header