Tag: cook

The Next Generation Fridge – Yes, It’s All About Touch!
Everything is advancing and there's really no stopping it. Soon enough the flippin pillow will have its own incorporated alarm clock and vibrator to ...

Charming Illustrated Recipes – The New Cooking Trend!
I love to cook, and I have a ton of cookbooks. I tend to use my own cookbook the most because it has all my favorite recipes in it, but I pick up new ...

Fantasy Land for Foodies | Foodbuzz.com
Have you ever learned about a website that has been around for a while, that is so cool, that you suddenly feel like you’ve been kept out of a big sec ...

How to Cook Pancakes! or Not?!
What is your favorite breakfast food? Mine is pancakes. And just recently I have discovered lots of ways that people prepare them. Some are outrage ...