Tag: miniature

Miniature Dollhouse Built Inside An Acoustic Guitar
I don't know what it is lately, but there seem to be a lot of insanely creative dollhouses being shared online, and each one is as unique as the next. ...

Food Rings Combine Fun With A Unique Virtual Nom Nom Experience
It's Saturday as I am writing this, and Christmas is creeping ever closer upon us all. Finding the very best Christmas gift isn't exactly the easiest ...

The Hobbit: Mom Creates Infinitely Detailed Toy Doll House
There is one movie that seemingly everyone is looking forward to this year, and that is the first installment of The Hobbit. Peter Jackson announced s ...

A World Of Miniature People Living On Green Fingernails
Miniature art and art with miniature people has gotten so popular over the past few years. As with everything, some people take it to the ultimate ext ...
Star Wars Mini Character Candy Bowl Holders At Your Service
There are moments in life when you just can't live without candy. Going to the movies without a proper bag of candy, or any kind of snack for that mat ...
Star Wars Worlds Bundled In Miniature Terrariums
I think anyone who has ever been a fan of Star Wars will agree with me when I say that the Star Wars universe is full of exciting things. Every gadget ...
World’s Smallest Origami: A Rather Tiny Art Installation
Everyone who has ever had a piece of paper in front of them has been tempted to fold something at some point. Whether it is a paper airplane or some a ...
World’s Smallest Space Invaders Arcade Game Machine
One of the first games I ever played in an arcade was Space Invaders. It was an amazing experience back then, and the more I played it, the more I wan ...

A Delicious Dinner That’s Smaller Than Your Finger!
Kim Burke is hot right now, and it's no wonder. Mini-designs and food art are the trend, and she combines both of them beautifully. The more I look ...
Game Pen: Writing and Playing Games Made Easy!
For those who have been reading my articles here on Bit Rebels, you already know that I love pens. I collect all sorts of ball point pens, signing pe ...
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