Tag: Photos

Now You Can Make Creative Jewelry With Your Instagram Pictures

Now You Can Make Creative Jewelry With Your Instagram Pictures

More and more people are discovering the interesting add-on applications that Instagram users keep launching. It's rapidly turning into an app-fest wo ...
How To: Change Your Twitter Profile, Header & Background Images

How To: Change Your Twitter Profile, Header & Background Images

If you use Twitter for personal or professional branding, you probably know the importance of uploading a picture into your Twitter profile. Over the ...
Introducing The New Imgur (Is It Like The Old Digg For Images?)

Introducing The New Imgur (Is It Like The Old Digg For Images?)

Imgur, the popular photo editing/sharing/analytics site, is about to launch their redesign, which means the well-sought after gallery is about to chan ...
Social Media Strategy: Best Ways To Engage Your Fans [Infographic]

Social Media Strategy: Best Ways To Engage Your Fans [Infographic]

When it comes to engaging fans on facebook, not many brands do it better than Coca-Cola. As of the time I'm writing this, they have over 52 million fa ...
Video Game Characters & Their Fake Facebook Photos

Video Game Characters & Their Fake Facebook Photos

It seems real flesh and blood people aren't the only ones addicted to Facebook these days. Apparently video game characters are too, at least if you a ...
The Little Lego Man That Was Sent Into Space

The Little Lego Man That Was Sent Into Space

When I was in school, a science experiment consisted of putting some vinegar and baking soda into a plastic pop bottle. I think I got gypped. Just loo ...
Behind Photographs: The People Behind The Famous Photos

Behind Photographs: The People Behind The Famous Photos

We have featured quite a few photo series here on Bit Rebels, and seemingly you guys really enjoy that. We think that is great since we love photograp ...
The 365 Project – A Whole Year Of Fun For Photogs

The 365 Project – A Whole Year Of Fun For Photogs

So, you like photography? Then why not try the 365 Project? What is it? It is a fun website where you shoot and upload a photo for every day in 2012. ...
Nailed: World’s Craziest Nail Art

Nailed: World’s Craziest Nail Art

It's amazing how widely spread the world of creative nail art is. Every female I know has done at least something to make her nails a little bit more ...
Photoblocker: Stops Photos At The Club From Getting On Facebook

Photoblocker: Stops Photos At The Club From Getting On Facebook

We've all heard the horror stories of people getting slammed because pictures from a night of partying make their way onto Facebook almost instantly a ...
Mind-Taunting Surreal Photography Inspiration

Mind-Taunting Surreal Photography Inspiration

I love photography! Even though I don't have the time to really immerse myself into it as much as I would like to, I really enjoy checking out hyper-i ...
The Sling Shot Camera: Make Your Photos Deviously Fun

The Sling Shot Camera: Make Your Photos Deviously Fun

We all know how important photos are these days, especially in social media. We now use pictures as a way to validate and verify (or secure bragging r ...
Celebrities Flawlessly Photoshopped Into Science Fiction Movies

Celebrities Flawlessly Photoshopped Into Science Fiction Movies

There have been some epic Photoshopped images that we've seen through the years, and some of the best ones have of course been fails above the norm, l ...
7 Pictures Of Real Everyday Life Cosplay

7 Pictures Of Real Everyday Life Cosplay

We are hearing more and more about cosplay, and it's becoming quite a movement. It's everywhere these days, and I think it's really awesome. I haven't ...
Facebook Faces: What 100,000 Profile Pictures Looks Like

Facebook Faces: What 100,000 Profile Pictures Looks Like

I must admit, for a couple of years, I wasn't much of a Facebook user. I didn't even have an account with that giant social networking service. As emb ...
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