Tag: rack

Public Sleeping Rack Device Becomes A Huge Success In China
Sometimes life can become so hectic that we can't even enjoy the sleep we look forward to getting each night. In those times, we all try to think posi ...

Interconnected Raspberry Pis Become Mega Supercomputer
By now, pretty much every geek out there has probably heard about the Raspberry Pi and its insane innovation and sales. It so happens that this little ...

The WineRack: Apparently Your Wine Is Most Secure In Your Bra
I am sure that whenever you think of wine, you are most likely thinking about a pleasant group of people, some cheering and some casual chattery. Basi ...

Bionic Wine Bottle: Best USB Music Player Ever!
Let us revisit the old and heavily popular USB library to unearth yet another really cool USB device. This time it comes as nothing you have previous ...
Alien Wackiness – Home Decor Inspiration (wth?)
Omg... sometimes we just have too much fun on Bit Rebels. Last night I wrote an article about a giant alien shower sculpture that vomits water. I ha ...
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