Tag: Security

Rust Stickers – Can They Keep Your Car From Getting Stolen?
Dominic Wilcox is one of my favorite designers. I've always admired his work. You've probably seen him before. Richard wrote an article about one o ...
Make Your Video Shorter
How would you like to take footage with your video cam and be able to view an edited or short version of it really fast? If you are used to video edi ...

Now You Can Get A LoJack For Your Phone!
If you read all the reviews for the Android app, Mobile Defense (currently in public beta), you’ll see that everyone is calling it a Lojack for your p ...

Big Brother Google is Watching You
Is Big Brother Google watching you? In a word, yes. This post is not designed to frighten you, only to inform you of what some people are saying tha ...
Stopping Terrorists with Nintendo Wii
Can I just say that when I first read about this on CNN.com earlier this week, my weird sh** meter went into overdrive. Are they kidding?
Apparent ...
Next Gen Credit Cards
So, identity and money theft is one of the main concerns on the Internet and companies are spending millions upon millions in order to come up with so ...