Tag: Yarn

Epic Crocheted Dwarven Helmet To Keep You Warm
The weather here in Sweden is mad today. There's a full on snow blizzard, and it is supposed to continue for a couple more days. As long as people are ...

Cute Crocheted Headphones Make Sure You Stay Unique
There are boatloads of different headphones and earphones on the market. Each one has its own set of features, balances and frequency ranges. Some peo ...

Crocheted Plush Pokémon Characters With Insane Detail
It seems our readers are quite interested in all of our Pokémon content, so I thought I'd hit up something insane in that realm. I have to admit thoug ...

Geekify Your Wrists: Knitted Mario Mushroom Pulse Warmers
I'm a big fan of geeky gloves. Since it was 22F (-5.5C) degrees this morning in Atlanta, and I'm still freeeezing my tush off even though I have a lit ...
Stitch Wars Strikes Back: Star Wars Plushies To Make You Smile
We've featured Star Wars plush toys before, but none that are as cute and cozy as these. There is just something about how these are designed that wil ...
Canine Couture: Sweaters Made From Your Dog’s Hair [9 Pics]
If I suddenly start wearing a sweater made from my dog's hair, does that mean I'm going to get the urge to chase cars and growl at the neighbors? What ...
Cozy Vacation: Stay In This Colorfully Crocheted Hotel Room
Years ago, whenever we thought of knitting or crocheting, we probably thought of little old ladies sitting in rocking chairs with metal knitting needl ...
Sweaters For Penguins: The World Responds To An Urgent Call
Sometimes the world can be a cruel and harsh place to live in, especially if you are an animal that constantly has to battle disasters that us humans ...
Cute Crocheted Craft: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
A few years ago, crocheting, knitting and needle felting were thought of as hobbies for grandmas. We didn't hear much about trendy designs created thi ...
Embroidered Car Doors: The Softer Side Of Your Car
There are some really odd people out there with some amazing minds. Their creativity seems to know no boundaries, and whatever they come up with, you ...
Brutal Knitting: Don’t Mess With This Yarn
I don't think I've ever seen the words brutal and knitting in the same sentence before. When I think of knitting, I think of sweet grandmas who carry ...
Soft & Fuzzy: Creative Felt Designs
I love felt. I don't know what it is about it, but it's a great material. It's got the yin and the yang. It's soft, yet tough. It can be colorful or d ...
Yarn Ferrari: Carefully Knitted Using 12 Miles Of Yarn
It's easy to get mesmerized by the splendor of sports cars. I don't think I am exaggerating when I say that pretty much every little kid at some point ...
Geeky Granny Inspiration: Adorable Crocheted Androids
I love grannies. They are so cute and fun to talk to, especially when they start telling stories about when they were young. I love geeky grannies e ...
Crochet Headphones: For Them Cold Days!
It's winter here in Sweden, and it's one of the coldest most snowy ones in many years. Plow trucks are patrolling the streets 24/7, and you constantl ...