A Concept Preview Of What iOS 7 Might Look Like [Video]

There are many rumors going around about Apple at the moment. There’s everything from their upcoming developers conference in 6 weeks being focused around new technology upgrades for their MacBook family to the unveiling of an iWatch. There will no doubt be even more rumors springing up during the next 6 weeks until the actual event takes place. There are some interesting things that we can definitely expect, one of them being the presentation of iOS 7.

With Jony Ive leading the design and development of Apple’s new iOS for the first time ever, I think that we can definitely expect a whole lot of great new upgrades to both the look and feel and the usefulness of most of the native apps and features. It’s exciting to see Jony taking control of iOS 7 since he has done amazing work designing what we all know as the ultimate smartphone design over and over again.

No one knows what this new leadership is going to bring, but there have of course been speculations to what might be presented. Designer Rafael Justino delved into his imagination and produced a quite interesting little concept design video of what the new iOS 7 might look like with Jony Ive pouring his inspiration into the project. I think its safe to say that iOS 7 will be Apple’s greatest and best looking mobile operating system to date.

There are plenty of new and innovative concept additions in this iOS 7 “preview,” but there is of course a lot of room for improvements. Whether any of these upgrades will be added to iOS 7 or not is impossible to say, but with Apple being in the position they are in now, meaning they have to innovate, it’s not a coincidence that Jony Ive is leading the work of designing iOS 7. It goes hand in hand with Apple’s struggling attempts to win over Apple fanboys once again.

Since Steve Jobs passed away, it has become harder and harder for Apple to hold their position as one of the world’s leading innovative technology companies. We’ll see what they present, but this iOS 7 concept video should give you a quick and interesting look at what might be in store for the popular operating system.

Rafael Justino’s iOS 7 Concept Design Video


