You might read the title of this article and think, “Real hologram? Nah, there’s no such thing yet.” If it would have been a couple of years ago, I would have agreed, but now I am not so sure anymore. The technology it takes to generate a real hologram is quite a feat to produce, at least that is what it seems since we have yet to come up with one that is truly real. Developers over at AIST and Keio University first introduced their hologram in 2006, but now they have made it better.
This more advanced system generates a real hologram by focusing laser light which produces plasma excitation from the oxygen and nitrogen in the air. This is an entirely new technology that can revolutionize the field of real holograms. They continue explaining that lasers with different colors, such a red, green and blue can be used at a later stage to produce full colored mid-air holograms. It’s a remarkable breakthrough that will surely create quite a few innovative gadgets in the future.
Having a picture appear in mid-air is something that innovators have tried to do for years. This technology could pave the way to smaller and more mobile hologram devices which would even fit in our smartphones in the future. Sure, the technology is far from being implemented into any gadget, but the positive progress the developers are making is definitely reason to be excited.
Without the constraints of a screen, we can generate a more immersive and realistic representation of what has always been confined on a screen. This in itself could lead to a whole new generation of gadgets and devices. Currently this real hologram device is able to emit 50,000 dots into a mid-air animation with a frame-rate of around 10-15 fps. However, they are currently working on increasing that to 24-30 fps, which is something that would make displaying videos in mid-air a reality. So, will replicating the Leia hologram from Star Wars might soon be reality? By the looks of things, this real hologram device could certainly make that happen. Even now, with just 50,000 dots and a frame-rate of 10-15 fps that could be achieved.