It would seem like flash drives are old news by now. You put more and more memory into them and increase the price, and that’s about it, right? That is not exactly how some people would like to see it. There is apparently far more ingenuity that can be pushed into a flash drive than just adding memory to it. Modular thinking has been around for quite some time, and it’s always been a great way to customize technology. The concept is far from fresh, but when applied to a flash drive, it ultimately becomes a whole new way of storing data. A USB flash drive usually comes in a predetermined size, which makes it quite limited. There are plenty of new designs being realized at the moment, and one of them is the stackable USB flash drive.
The idea comes from concept designer Hyunsoo Song from SADI and is called Amoeba Modular USB Flash Drive. Even though it’s not a new concept, I think it should be put into the spotlight again. The modular nature of this stackable USB flash drive is far more useful than it might appear. Imagine trying to store some of your data for mobile use onto a flash drive and then realizing the space on it isn’t enough. You pretty much have to find another flash drive and start all over again. With this new modular design from Hyunsoo, all those problems could be solved in a jiffy.
Simply snap on another stackable USB flash drive to the one already connected, and you will have doubled the space. You would literally be able to add on as much memory as you would like in order to save your data. It doesn’t matter in what order they are connected, the stackable USB flash drives themselves keep track of the stored files. This would definitely be the ultimate solution for any limited mobile data storage. I am trying to find out the status of this concept idea, but so far I haven’t been successful. We here at Bit Rebels will keep a close eye on this to see if we can present you with the good news that this concept idea is actually being realized. It is an amazing concept that deserves to see the light of day.