The Fluid Dress By Charlie Bucket: Now You Can Glow In The Dark!

Aside from writing and illustrating, I also love fashion designing. Although I’ve never had the time to actually learn how to create patterns and sew a dress, I’ve created a lot of designs that were worn by models and promoters of products. I drew the clothes, colored them, and showed them to a dress maker who created them for me. I truly enjoyed playing with the colors and creating lines and silhouettes. I also loved picking out the fabrics and accessories that went with the dresses or outfits that I envisioned. I found true fulfillment when I saw them being worn by the models and admired by clients. I wish I could do that again today. However, I never tire of looking at creations made by wonderful designers locally and abroad.

There are so many options now available for the women of today to wear. One dress I found really interesting is the fluid dress created by Charlie Bucket. This dress is made from 600 feet of knitted tubing and powered by a pump. I believe this may be a bit hard to wear, but you can really see the labor of love that went into it. You can just imagine the possibilities in terms of colors, and how they can vary. This dress even glows in the dark, and it’s truly eye-catching and very unique. Charlie Bucket is a remarkable artist. He also created a sculpture earlier this year along with a skirt that turns blood red when color is pumped into it. You can see them on his site Casual Profanity.

Fluid Dress from Charlie Bucket on Vimeo.

Source via [Casual Profanity]