Virtual Reality Contact Lenses | Bionic Is Now Here

So we’re finally there. Life has just become a little bit weirder and nothing seems impossible any longer. When I saw Terminator for the first time, I was impressed by the cool effects just like everyone else. I just saw that movie again a few days ago, and let me tell you, how I could have believed that those effects looked real is beyond me. Today they look tacky, odd and very much out of place. But then again, it is just a product of a high pace technology development that never seems to stop.

Now it’s no longer an odd idea to have a screen close to your eyes, printing out data for you to faster and easier handle decisions that otherwise would have taken a touch or two on your touchscreen mobile phone. Heck, even writing that took me longer than it would have taken to get the data displayed for you.

At the University of Washington, a professor by the name of Babak Amir Parviz and his highly gifted students are developing the futuristic virtual reality contact lenses. With micro transparent LED’s, it allows the wearer to experience a virtual reality right before their eyes. Purposely designed and developed for health monitoring, they have almost hit the jackpot making this a reality. Of course, the uses don’t stop there. Pure entertainment bionic purposes are of course also a huge sector to be considered.

Now if they manage to finish these up, I am sure we will see a lot of these for 3D movie watching in the future. No more limited screens; a full scale reality changing experience is to be expected. How can you not love technology when you hear and see things like this? I am both excited and blown away by this. Simply amazing!