Are you a movie geek? I thought I was a movie geek until I started writing for Bit Rebels. I realize now that I’m a movie lightweight. Here’s a good test… If you have seen very many of the movies listed in this intense sci fi movie infographic, then you can be confident in knowing that you are a movie geek. On the other hand, if you are like me, and mostly just catch the really popular blockbusters, then maybe you’re not the movie geek you thought you were.
Apparently like most geek niches, movie geeks start out small and evolve into super movie geeks. This hilarious little chart describes the six stages of movie geek evolution. I guess I’m an unevolved movie geek simpleton because I still love those movies where things blow up. I don’t like award-winning movies; most of the time they spell b-o-r-i-n-g to me. I’m sad to say I’m still a Blockbustericus, and I’m still hunched over. Bummer!
This cute illustration was created by The Droid You’re Looking For. I think @Minervity is the only person I know who would fall into the highly evolved Celluloid Sapien category. He’s a huge movie geek and has seen every movie ever made I think. He sometimes watches them two at time, while working. Go figure. I’ve got a lot to learn.
Via: [Geek Tyrant] Header Image Credit: [Zazzle]