It’s one of the most frequently asked questions and the answer is anything but simple. The answer depends on so many factors that trying to pinpoint a direct route is almost completely impossible. Of course, I am talking about when the best time is to post on Twitter in order to increase engagement and retweets if you are a business or a brand. Usually individual people are not looking to supercharge their twittering since they would rather keep their following personal and close. But for a business, the success of a tweet could have as much impact as a good search engine ranking. So, once again, we delve into the massive pile of data in order to see if we can find some tips and tricks for how to approach Twitter and when.
The data that was used for this infographic, put together by Fusework Studios, was provided by Buddy Media and was an extensive attempt to map out Twitter in a way that has never before been done. It was a valiant attempt to answer a lot of questions, but it leaves a few unanswered. That is the thing with Twitter, you can’t put together an ironclad plan for how to succeed on Twitter. It’s just impossible. There are simply too many factors that will change throughout your journey which will throw your plan all the way to Neverland.
This infographic called Maximize Your Tweets still tries to simplify your tweeting and the impact it could potentially have. It presents some fresh and quite eye-opening facts which will make your tweeting just a little bit more effective. For example, tweets that use less than 100 characters are likely to get 17% more engagement and retweets than the tweets that have more than 100 characters.
The reason for that is basically because you leave room for people to comment and retweet your tweet on many more levels deep than if you were to use up all your 140 characters. Furthermore, tweets that include a hashtag get more than double the engagement and retweets. Why this is can be quite hard to explain. Maybe it is because people like to be included in a discussion that is verified by a hashtag. This one leaves me a little bit intrigued.
A third revelation that at least I find quite interesting is that tweets that include the word “retweet” or “RT” get more than 12 times the number of retweets as a tweet with no encouragement at all. This surely comes as a cold shower for everyone who has ever said they would never retweet anything where the Twitter user asks to be retweeted. I guess when it comes to business, more is better than hoping, if that makes sense.
Have a look at this infographic and see if you can derive your own plan for how you want to approach Twitter. One thing I have started to notice is that when infographics talk about times, they hardly ever include what time zone is reflected. Without that, it’s impossible to know when the best time is to use Twitter. That might be the only flaw with this infographic as far as I can see. Other than that, it presents some rather eye-opening data that I think will come in quite handy for a lot of businesses and brands. Tweet because you want to connect and engage. Let people know you are there to collect their opinion and be genuine. There’s no other better way to approach Twitter.