A few months ago, I wrote about the first personal jet pack available to the public. Back then it was priced at just around $250,000. It’s a mad price for something that only enables you to fly for 9 minutes or less. Nevertheless, it was a really cool gadget that I think many people welcomed even though most of us can’t afford it. It promises a future where personal air crafts are a common sight, and one that will enable us to go from one point to another without having to use roads. It’s a future that is as exciting as the technology behind it. But the innovation doesn’t stop there. Nope, just a couple of days ago a Japanese company announced the first electronic personal helicopter prototype concept. Yes, it really is that awesome!
It’s the air craft manufacturer Hirobo who has been tinkering on their new personal helicopter called Bit. It’s a futuristic looking one man craft that is certain to make an impact when it is finally released to the public. How would you like to wake up in the morning, get dressed, eat breakfast and then strap yourself into one of these personal helicopters and fly away Jetson style to work? It’s almost like something from iRobot or Minority Report, even though I don’t think I have seen a personal helicopter anywhere in those. I just seem to think about those movies when I see this thing.
I have no idea whether or not this is a working personal helicopter prototype, but the lines and design of it are superbly perfected so I am quite curious to see how and if it can really fly. As a concept piece of creativity, it is still quite impressive. I want to believe this is a working prototype, but Hirobo manufacturers model helicopters, and I am unsure whether they have the technology and know-how to create something that a human being can actually fly in. When looking at it though, how can you not want to believe?