Author: Diana Adams
Diana has a passion for blogging. You can usually find Diana working in her home office in Atlanta or sitting in the corner of a downtown Starbucks somewhere with her mobile devices in one hand and a Grande Caramel Macchiato in the other. She loves Star Wars, hot chicken wings, and nice people.

High Five Fiesta: Add Some Confetti Pizzazz To All Your High Fives
There are all different types of high fives in the world, and whatever your high five taste may be, it is important to know how to master at least one ...

Cat Vision: How Your Cat Sees Those Instagram Pics And YouTube Videos
Have you ever wondered how animals see the world? When you watch cat videos with your cat sitting on your lap, what does he or she see? Is it the same ...

Smartphone Camera Remote Control Makes Taking Perfect Selfies Easier
I know a lot of people who have mastered the art of the selfie. Right off the top of my head, I can think of 3 or 4 people who post selfies almost dai ...
Buzzy: Innovative Device That Takes Away The Pain Of Getting Shots
Getting shots is no fun. I think everyone can agree with that. When I was young, I had to get three shots every week, and I dreaded it. If you have a ...
Live, Drive And Survive: 4 Vehicles Pimped Out For A Zombie Apocalypse
According to Google Trends, interest in zombies and the zombie apocalypse have been on the decline since the first of the year. Interest in that topic ...
The Way You Tweet Pictures Drastically Affects Your Retweets [Chart]
If you are a social media manager, you know the important role that sharing visual content plays in social media success. If you want a real-life exam ...
How To Retouch Shiny Skin In Photoshop (And Keep It Looking Natural)
On most of the photo retouch apps I've seen, there is an option to correct shiny skin. Whether it's funky lighting, or it's just that you have oily sk ...
Old School Vinyl Records Recycled Into Nostalgic Retro Lamps
One thing I wish I kept from my childhood is my parent's old record player. I sold it in a garage sale for a couple bucks about a decade ago, and I've ...
World’s First Wi-Fi Kettle Lets You Boil Water From Your Smartphone
Once again, it seems the most mundane activities in our lives can't escape the grasp of technology, and I love it. In this particular case, I'm referr ...
Doctors Who Play Video Games More Likely To Perform Successful Surgery
If there is one thing that people in the United States have learned about the healthcare system here, it's that you have to take personal responsibili ...
Surprise: Average Facebook Admin Is Older Than You Think [Infographic]
Ridiculous stereotypes exist everywhere in the offline world, but what you may not know is that they exist in the online world too. For example, if a ...
13 Personality Types Found In Almost Every Busy Office [Infographic]
Everyone likes to think they have an easy-going personality and can get along with anyone. If you've ever worked in a busy office with a bunch of peop ...
Internet Map If Countries Were The Size Of Their Internet Populations
If you are an Internet addict, your brain probably thinks in terms of everything online. You may think like the guy who checks to see if it's cold out ...
Vaser Lipo: High Tech Advancement In Liposuction Cosmetic Surgery
A decade ago, cosmetic surgery was something only the wealthy could afford. It was an option most people didn't have. These days it's much different. ...
12 Reasons Why 15% Of American Adults Don’t Use The Internet [Chart]
If you use the Internet all day long like most people I know, it's easy to think everyone else does that too. After all, if you look around in your of ...