Category: Design - Page 135

Unusual Wedding Invite

Unusual Wedding Invite

After you proposed.  Did she say Yes?  If she did then its time for the wedding invitation to be sent.  Here is a cool invite we found.  Its rathe ...
Designs for a Cause

Designs for a Cause

One of the most challenging work one can do is that of designs for a cause.  Found two very special work of designer Magdalena Czarnecki. The first o ...
Creative Mobile Packaging

Creative Mobile Packaging

INQ Mobile dubbed as the first Social Mobile with its Easy access to your favourite things: Switcher gives you instant access to Facebook, Messenger, ...
Paper Matters – Logo Inspiration

Paper Matters – Logo Inspiration

Paper Matters is a company that specializes in eco-friendly paper products.  The logo inspiration is the combination of 2 distinct elements the origa ...
Bullet Inspired Packaging

Bullet Inspired Packaging

Packaging is one important aspect in branding specially if it involves consumer goods.  Found one that was very cleverly designed by Jenny Kim.  The ...
Cool Promotional Design

Cool Promotional Design

Found this very cool promotional material made by Shine Advertising Co. in Madison, WI designed this flashlight box wrapper as a promotional piece for ...
Cardboard Box Packaging

Cardboard Box Packaging

We will see more and more sustainable and recyclable packaging in the future as more companies are adhering to the call of the masses to save Mother E ...
Juice Pack Air

Juice Pack Air

The juice pack air™ is a rechargeable external battery concealed inside of a protective form-fitting case for the iPhone 3G & iPhone 3G S.  It ...
Celebrity Caricature

Celebrity Caricature

Celebrities are cool subjects for caricatures. What is a caricature? A caricature can refer to a portrait that exaggerates or distorts the essence of ...
Strong Branding: Have a coke!

Strong Branding: Have a coke!

I was linked the video below the other day by a friend, and just love seeing things like this.   The advert is from 1954, and the Coca-Cola branding ...

Creating Wire-frames

David Perel over at Obox design has created a great little video of him creating a wire-frame for an update to the Obox site.   It is speeded up but ...
The 4 Elements Text Effects – Video Tutorials

The 4 Elements Text Effects – Video Tutorials

Alright, Photoshop designers and artwork creators out there. Here is four text effects that might help you to gain a little more understanding to the ...
“Speed Painting” on Youtube.

“Speed Painting” on Youtube.

I was given this link this other day by my good friend @lydonator and it completely blew me away.  Nico Di Mattia paints in good old Photoshop, he re ...
Jumbo Stuff-Let’s Go Large

Jumbo Stuff-Let’s Go Large

It seems that not only can we get Go-Large items when we purchase our drinks and fries from our favorite fast food outlets but we can also get jumbo s ...
Fun Inspiration From A Brand Perspective

Fun Inspiration From A Brand Perspective

Inspiration is the key word here in the different mediums that these sofdrink company has initiated.  I really loved SXSW 2009 Twitter Visualizer. ...
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