Anamorphic Street Art That Will Mess With Your Head

We’ve seen it so many times before, art that is created to look like it’s a part of the real world. It’s 3D depth art that will surely mess with your head if you stand in the right position. The location where you view it from is everything. If you aren’t in the right spot, the artwork will just come across as… well something crummy drawn on the street. This kind of art is of course very impressive when you see it from where it is supposed to be viewed. There are more kinds of street art that will certainly blow your mind. Once again, it all depends on where you are standing to observe the art created.

The kind of art I am talking about is anamorphic art. This time it’s not painted or drawn on the ground. This time it’s actually drawn on pretty much everything around you including different columns, walls and on the ground. The whole picture is only visible when viewed from the right location.

Once you are in the right location, the picture will become as clear as the water in you faucet. It will just appear, and if you stand still, it will almost start to float in front of you. The pillars, columns, walls and floor will somewhat disappear and what remains is just the awesome art that was drawn. This is of course an advanced way of creating street art, and I guess they are using some kind of projector to create the desired effect. However, the result is no less impressive if you ask me. Brilliant art is getting more and more advanced, and I can’t wait to see what the next level of all this is. -Created by Ninja1 and Mach505

Medusa Anamorphic Street Art Design

Medusa Anamorphic Street Art Design

Medusa Anamorphic Street Art Design

Medusa Anamorphic Street Art Design

Medusa Anamorphic Street Art Design

Via: [Booooooom]