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Steampunk Costume

Steampunk Costume

Halloween is coming soon and have you decided on which costume to wear?  Most of the costumes one sees during the Halloween balls are that of vampires ...
How To: Get Into The Flow of Your Life

How To: Get Into The Flow of Your Life

Several weeks ago I wrote an article entitled, “10 Signs: Change Is Happening in Your Life” Since then, I've received several ...
Run Away Alarm Clock!

Run Away Alarm Clock!

What is the hardest thing to do in the morning?  Well hands down its actually waking up and getting out of bed!  Found another cool gadget that hopefu ...
LightSabre Lamp for the Star Wars Geek in You!

LightSabre Lamp for the Star Wars Geek in You!

One of the best sci-fi film ever would be Star Wars hand down.  For the Star wars geek out there, here is a cool product that will surely make you gla ...
Photoshop | Tutorials The Douchebag Way

Photoshop | Tutorials The Douchebag Way

First there was the "Manual" research method to learning Photoshop. It was basically just to pound your head through Photoshop's Manual and just try a ...
Musicians Wanted Experience Not Necessary!

Musicians Wanted Experience Not Necessary!

Here is another reason why I love my Mac. It had this very cool application/tool called the  GarageBand that turns your Mac into a full-featured recor ...
Clever and Cool Party Gadgets

Clever and Cool Party Gadgets

For those of you who love to party at home.  Here are some of the cool items I found that will truly leave  your guests fascinated with what you have ...
And Mashable’s Award Goes To…

And Mashable’s Award Goes To…

Get out your best suit or fancy dress, Mashable's 2009 Open Web Awards are under way. Ok, forget the suit... its a social media thing which means you ...
Photoshop | Breast Enhancement

Photoshop | Breast Enhancement

I couldn't believe my eyes and ears when I came across this...let's say interesting Photoshop tutorial. In my quest to cover everything a retouch arti ...
Email: Did you mean THAT Bob?

Email: Did you mean THAT Bob?

Many of us have done, and those who have not at least sweat a drop or two thinking you may have done it... sent an email to the wrong recipient. Go ...
The Future is Here | Design Your Own Thrill Ride

The Future is Here | Design Your Own Thrill Ride

Yesterday there was a new ride unveiled at Epcot sure to blow everyone’s mind. This is a next generation futuristic thrill ride called, “The Sum of a ...
Fresh Project Management Tool Online!

Fresh Project Management Tool Online!

With our fast paced life, we need tools to help us manage our business better and more efficient.  Now there is a new application called Timetonote. T ...
Installation Art by @ryanseslow

Installation Art by @ryanseslow

Had the privilege of speaking with an artist whom I recently met over Twitter.  I enjoy his work and one can say that he  is  very passionate about hi ...
iPhone’s Secret Warranty Ending Indicators

iPhone’s Secret Warranty Ending Indicators

As the iPhone is quite new and is still being one of the most feature packed cell phones on the market there are still features leaking out that I thi ...

How To: Decide on the Best Halloween Costume

One of the most fun parts of Halloween is dressing up in costume. One of the most dreaded parts of Halloween is deciding what that costume will be. ...
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