Search query: budget

The Downside To Drinking Coffee: One Workaholic’s Experience

The Downside To Drinking Coffee: One Workaholic’s Experience

Drinking coffee has its pros and cons. With the amount of work I do during the week, whether it be producing a podcast, writing new blogs, working on ...
Project Management Problems & How To Solve Them [Infographic]

Project Management Problems & How To Solve Them [Infographic]

Anyone who has ever been in charge of a big project knows that it takes a lot of time to plan, track and analyze the progress continuously. If you don ...
World’s Most Expensive Nail Polish: One Bottle Is $250,000

World’s Most Expensive Nail Polish: One Bottle Is $250,000

What is the most you've ever paid for a bottle of nail polish? I think the most I've ever paid is probably around twenty dollars, but that was on a ra ...
Picosteady: Innovative Steadicam For Your iPhone

Picosteady: Innovative Steadicam For Your iPhone

If you're looking for a way to get smoother and more fluent video on your iPhone, you will quickly come across some rather expensive contraptions that ...
The Evolution Of 8-Bit Graphics & Music [Video]

The Evolution Of 8-Bit Graphics & Music [Video]

If you have followed the indie gaming scene closely for the last couple of years, you might have noticed how games have adopted the 8-bit art style at ...
World’s Cheapest Cardboard Digital Camera (Yes, It Really Works)

World’s Cheapest Cardboard Digital Camera (Yes, It Really Works)

I started reading about this super simple cardboard camera a few months ago after IKEA put it in their press kit during Milan Design Week. The more I ...
Liquid Crystal Technology Transforms Real-Time Weather Into Art

Liquid Crystal Technology Transforms Real-Time Weather Into Art

I was recently passing through the San Jose International Airport when I noticed a large liquid crystal art installation hanging from the ceiling of t ...
How To Host A Party On Your iPhone [Infographic]

How To Host A Party On Your iPhone [Infographic]

I think this is brilliant! Planning and hosting a party is fun, but geeking it up a little in the process can only make it better. Since there really ...
27″ iMac Plated In 24K Gold Now Available

27″ iMac Plated In 24K Gold Now Available

It seems it is always legit to bling something that you use everyday. This is especially true for gadgets that before had a sleek and straight forward ...
Solid Gold C-3PO & Sterling Silver R2-D2 Anniversary Figurines

Solid Gold C-3PO & Sterling Silver R2-D2 Anniversary Figurines

Time goes by so fast, and before you know it, you will have memories from a time which you thought were never going to become the past. A day can turn ...
Nostromo Watch Will Make You Look Like A Time Traveler

Nostromo Watch Will Make You Look Like A Time Traveler

I guess some of you are thinking, "Oh God! Here he goes again!" Well, yes I am, but I think you will really enjoy this insanely cool and retro futuris ...
The Great Debate: E-Books vs. The Printed Copy

The Great Debate: E-Books vs. The Printed Copy

The whole world is reading. Reading is part of our everyday lives, whether it's for fun, business, or to catch up on the latest news. How people read ...
Closet Swap App: Trade Clothes With Your Facebook Friends

Closet Swap App: Trade Clothes With Your Facebook Friends

It's interesting that during these economic times when many people are sticking to a strict budget, some people are using technology to find creative ...
One Take Movies: Insane Live Special Effects

One Take Movies: Insane Live Special Effects

I am a huge movie junkie, and I watch at least 3-4 movies a day while I work. It's such a great way to keep your perspective on your work, and to me, ...
World’s Most Realistic Ground Battle Warfare Simulator [Video]

World’s Most Realistic Ground Battle Warfare Simulator [Video]

Have you played any games lately? Maybe even an 8-bit game from the past? If not, I totally think you should. It will inspire you as retro games seem ...
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