Search query: art

7 Ways To Know That You Are A Fast Learner [Chart]

7 Ways To Know That You Are A Fast Learner [Chart]

Several people I know put on their resumes that they're fast learners. I saw another resume today with that on it, and it made me start thinking about ...
Discover Your Ancestry: What Species Did You Evolve From? [Flowchart]

Discover Your Ancestry: What Species Did You Evolve From? [Flowchart]

People are all so different. You only have to take a quick look at your Twitter or Facebook to know what I'm talking about. I sometimes read things th ...
How To Determine The Valuation Of A Startup Company [Infographic]

How To Determine The Valuation Of A Startup Company [Infographic]

If you are a partner in a startup company, you've probably thought about what the dollar value of all your hard work is. It can be tough to know how t ...
10 Places To Visit Before They Vanish Off The Earth [Infographic]

10 Places To Visit Before They Vanish Off The Earth [Infographic]

Everything in life is in a constant state of change, and that includes our planet. The landscape of the earth looks very different now compared to wha ...
Smartphone Controlled Wi-Fi Digital Window Shades Save Energy

Smartphone Controlled Wi-Fi Digital Window Shades Save Energy

Although there have been a few innovative window shade concepts presented over the past few years, for the most part, window shades and blinds haven't ...
Social Media History Started Years Before You Think It Did [Chart]

Social Media History Started Years Before You Think It Did [Chart]

My first experience ever with social media was on IRC in about year 2000. It makes me laugh when I think about how it was considered rude back then to ...
How Creative People In History Have Inspired Each Other [Chart]

How Creative People In History Have Inspired Each Other [Chart]

It would be an understatement for me to say that I'm surrounded by creative people. It would be more accurate to say I've been surrounded by creative ...
Darth Vader Custom Mailbox For The Extreme Star Wars Fan

Darth Vader Custom Mailbox For The Extreme Star Wars Fan

If you are a fan of something, anything at all, you know that collecting stuff with the same theme is one of the main cravings of fandom itself. The i ...
Xentry: Turns Your Old Smartphone Into A Digital Peephole

Xentry: Turns Your Old Smartphone Into A Digital Peephole

With all the millions of smartphones that are sold every year, what happens to the ones that are old and dated? We toss them out when we buy new ones. ...
Signs You Are A Natural Born Business Leader…Or Not [Flowchart]

Signs You Are A Natural Born Business Leader…Or Not [Flowchart]

Some people say leadership is a skill or trait that people either have or they don't. I disagree. I do think a person can be a natural born leader, wh ...
The Impressive Effects Of Smartphones On Society [Infographic]

The Impressive Effects Of Smartphones On Society [Infographic]

I don't think any of us could have imagined when we saw a cellphone for the first time what its impact would have on society. In the beginning, even I ...
DIY Smart Cycling Helmet With GPS And Compass For Navigation

DIY Smart Cycling Helmet With GPS And Compass For Navigation

Smart cycling helmets seem to be a huge source of inspiration lately, and we've written about many of them. This particular helmet, which is one of th ...
Latte Art: Innovative Coffee Printer Puts Your Own Face In Your Foam

Latte Art: Innovative Coffee Printer Puts Your Own Face In Your Foam

Latte art has become popular over the past few years, and as always, people find ways to go above and beyond what's been created before. First there w ...
Comprehensive Comparison Of Twitter Chat App Options [Chart]

Comprehensive Comparison Of Twitter Chat App Options [Chart]

Twitter chats have become very popular over the past few years. Some of them are just one-time chats about current events, and others are weekly or mo ...
SkinVision App Turns Your Smartphone Into A Skin Cancer Scanner

SkinVision App Turns Your Smartphone Into A Skin Cancer Scanner

There are so many apps to help us monitor our health these days. Some of them are even used by doctors to improve the quality of our heathcare. It's n ...
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