Search query: blogging

5 Reasons To Write Guest Posts

I like Blogging, no I love it, I never thought I could really do this, I am just truly grateful to people who have encouraged me to just dive in. If y ...
Listiti – Google alert Meets Twitter Lists

Listiti – Google alert Meets Twitter Lists

Here is cool tool Listiti - Its a tool that enables you to get alerts when someone from your Twitter list Tweets an update.   Monitor Twitter Lists fo ...
Is it twittering or tweeting?

Is it twittering or tweeting?

The guys from Twitter are indeed busy! More and more people are interested and intrigued with what is going on with the company.  Here is a funny ques ...
Privacy with Your Online Diary?!

Privacy with Your Online Diary?!

Are you like Bridgette Jones and writes on her diary?  Now there is a new application called PENZU.  Penzu is an online diary and personal journal tha ...
140 Conf – Twitterific!

140 Conf – Twitterific!

Everyday now on Twitter you see the word 140 Conf on your stream. What is it really you may ask? Well did a bit of digging and here are the interest ...
Will Google Wave Replace Twitter?

Will Google Wave Replace Twitter?

Before I weigh in on the answer to the question "Will Google Wave replace Twitter," I want to explain to you the best I can what the heck Google Wave ...
The Man Behind @Mashable

The Man Behind @Mashable

On Twitter, one of the most Re Tweeted on social media  news and information is the ones that are  tweeted by @mashable .  But have you ever wondered ...

What Are You Doing? Tweet Talk

For the newbies on Twitter and for everyone else who are into Twitter and for those of you who are wondering who is behind this micro-blogging site an ...
What’s With the Twitter Name?

What’s With the Twitter Name?

Did you know that the name Twitter was first spelled as twttr as inspired by the word Flckr and the fact that American SMS short codes are five charac ...
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