Search query: car

How To Ace A Job Interview [Infographic]

How To Ace A Job Interview [Infographic]

With today's economic instability, people are fired left and right since companies can't afford to keep them employed. As if that wasn't enough, findi ...
The Life Of A Designer [Video]

The Life Of A Designer [Video]

If you have spent some time trying to make it as a freelance designer, you know how difficult it can be to achieve the goals that you set up for yours ...
Starbucks Quiet Book: Teach Your Child How To Be A Coffee Addict

Starbucks Quiet Book: Teach Your Child How To Be A Coffee Addict

This is so funny! I saw it on Pinterest yesterday, and right away I knew I had to share it with you. In case you don't know what a quiet book is, it's ...
Creative Sketches Drawn Around Pressed Leaves

Creative Sketches Drawn Around Pressed Leaves

I remember many years ago when pressing leaves was popular. People press leaves for many different reasons, but mostly so they can have a special memo ...
10 Epic Cosplay Costumes That Are Better Than The Originals

10 Epic Cosplay Costumes That Are Better Than The Originals

The cosplay community is just growing and growing. It has become so large that at any gaming or technology event, you will most likely spot some kind ...
Cupcakes Made With Insects: Someday You’ll Love These

Cupcakes Made With Insects: Someday You’ll Love These

We've written many times about how in the future we'll have to eat different foods than we eat now. The world's population is simply growing too fast ...
iSimpsons: If The Simpsons Had iPods

iSimpsons: If The Simpsons Had iPods

I know some people think product placement in movies and television shows is cheesy, but if it's done well, I think it makes the movie or show even be ...
Star Wars Themed Tea Set Puts The Force Into Your Morning

Star Wars Themed Tea Set Puts The Force Into Your Morning

I guess by now it's no secret that I am a huge tea fanatic. I tweet it every time I have a hot cup like anyone would actually care. It's so funny to m ...
Star Wars Tattoo Inspired By Salvador Dali

Star Wars Tattoo Inspired By Salvador Dali

When it comes to tattoos, I am a sucker for art that means something. I don't mean that it depends on the motifs or anything like that, but if the tat ...
Rotoscoped Evil Dead 2 Movie Trailer

Rotoscoped Evil Dead 2 Movie Trailer

If you, like me, are a fan of the Evil Dead movies, you'll be thrilled to hear that the artists at Pretend For Real Studios have created a rotoscope v ...
Helping Hand Rebranding To Help Underprivileged Children Read

Helping Hand Rebranding To Help Underprivileged Children Read

I am writing about this because I personally like the mission of the Reading Is Fundamental organization. It also hit my design radar because the illu ...
The Magic Coffee Machine Controlled With Your iPhone

The Magic Coffee Machine Controlled With Your iPhone

We've seen a lot of coffee machines come and go over the years that claim to be able to recreate a Starbucks experience at home, but none of them have ...
Colorful & Smart Safety Tattoos For Children

Colorful & Smart Safety Tattoos For Children

I found this today on Pinterest, and it's such a great idea! It comes from Beckie at Infarrantly Creative. I never knew before today that tattoo print ...
10 Very Clever Examples Of Sticker Advertising & PSAs

10 Very Clever Examples Of Sticker Advertising & PSAs

For the most part, there are two different kinds of stickers in the world. One is the cheesy kind that we're given as children which usually just end ...
RecordSetter World Record Day: Set A Record & Be The Best!

RecordSetter World Record Day: Set A Record & Be The Best!

Brace yourselves for April 28th, 2012. No, this is not the next time the world is expected to end — it's something much bigger than that. On this date ...
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