Search query: car

Graffiti Paint Cans Transform Into Beautiful Flower Arrangements

Graffiti Paint Cans Transform Into Beautiful Flower Arrangements

Whoa! These incredible flower sculptures are made with discarded spray paint can lids. What a truly artistic and beautiful way to recycle, but there i ...
Internet Dresses: Wear Twitter, Facebook, Google & More

Internet Dresses: Wear Twitter, Facebook, Google & More

I was talking to my Twitter friend @TheDudeDean on the phone the other day, and he was telling me about how he thinks deviantART provides some great c ...
The Origin & History Of Fonts [Infographic]

The Origin & History Of Fonts [Infographic]

As a designer, it is always important to stay up to date with the latest design trends. That also includes the millions of fonts that are out there. T ...
World’s Most Photorealistic Paintings Ever Created

World’s Most Photorealistic Paintings Ever Created

The ever increasing quality in the way computers are able to render graphics is somewhat mind boggling when you think about it. With a fairly cheap co ...
Epic Battlestar Valkyrie Lego Build Weighs In At 110.9 Pounds

Epic Battlestar Valkyrie Lego Build Weighs In At 110.9 Pounds

Every time I stumble over something that is beyond the scope of normal, I always get a little bit extra excited. Getting impressed these days is certa ...
2D Ballpoint Pen Drawings Become Animated 3D Eye Candy

2D Ballpoint Pen Drawings Become Animated 3D Eye Candy

All the technology being developed today which will make television a whole lot more immersive is just mind boggling. Not too long ago, you had to sit ...
6 Pairs Of Sunglasses Made From Oreo Cookies

6 Pairs Of Sunglasses Made From Oreo Cookies

It's spring, which means it's time to bust out the sunglasses for another season. I always have several pairs of sunglasses on hand since I lose or br ...
Things We Forget: Inspiration To Remind You That You’re Amazing!

Things We Forget: Inspiration To Remind You That You’re Amazing!

If you are like most people, you rush around every day from task to task as if your life depended on it. We are all so busy and we work so hard that s ...
World’s Longest Wedding Dress Train (Almost 2 Miles Long)

World’s Longest Wedding Dress Train (Almost 2 Miles Long)

As if your wedding day isn't a big enough day as it is, I suppose some people want to add even more excitement to it all. How about breaking a world r ...
Horror Vacui: Movie Super Villains Get Old Too

Horror Vacui: Movie Super Villains Get Old Too

There are a lot of factors in the world that we can rule over. We can decide what to eat, when to sleep, where to go and how we want to do all of thes ...
eyeMac Custom Steampunk Computer Is Pure Historical Art

eyeMac Custom Steampunk Computer Is Pure Historical Art

These days, there is a huge community of people who customize computers. Some of them go for a sci-fi approach, while others take a more subtle and la ...
Clipix: The Tool That Will Organize Your Life Like A Ninja

Clipix: The Tool That Will Organize Your Life Like A Ninja

Did you know that ninjas can run 100 miles on their hands, they can secretly live in your house for days, and they can dodge bullets? Only a ninja can ...
10 Chocolate Star Wars Creations To Fuel Your Craving

10 Chocolate Star Wars Creations To Fuel Your Craving

It is once again Friday, and we are all looking forward to the weekend. Some people like to relax, and some people want to do something that they have ...
The Terrible Power Of Mass Effect’s Character Creator

The Terrible Power Of Mass Effect’s Character Creator

For some people, the opportunity to create their own character with which to live out a rich, storied narrative is that of a lifetime. They dive into ...
Deli Sculptures: Gadgets Made From Meat

Deli Sculptures: Gadgets Made From Meat

It's right smack in the middle of the day here in Atlanta, and if you are like me, you are working your butt off right now trying to make some progres ...
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