Search query: car

Zombie Bottle Opener: Pop Beers The Undead Way

Zombie Bottle Opener: Pop Beers The Undead Way

We have featured quite a few bottle openers throughout the years here at Bit Rebels. Some are more awesome than others, but they always have one thing ...
Hunger Games Inspired Jewelry

Hunger Games Inspired Jewelry

The "movie of the year" opens in theatres this Friday. While I haven't actually read The Hunger Games, I've certainly heard enough about the series to ...
Elderly Mickey Mouse: Redesigned To Show His Age

Elderly Mickey Mouse: Redesigned To Show His Age

Unfortunately, for most of us, aging is not something we celebrate. We cling to our youth with all we've got, and we try hard to keep the natural sign ...
Outstanding Mega-Scale Beach Paintings

Outstanding Mega-Scale Beach Paintings

We stumble through life most commonly living in vast cities where the pace outruns our own. Our dreams grow ever more simple, and once we can afford i ...
Floppy Disk Coasters: Wooden Retrofication

Floppy Disk Coasters: Wooden Retrofication

I sometimes remember when I was a little younger and each school break was a coding adventure. My friend and I used to come up with different ideas fo ...
Innovative Bike Gloves With Built-In LED Turn Signals

Innovative Bike Gloves With Built-In LED Turn Signals

Even though it's March, and the first official day of spring is tomorrow, it's still cold in a lot of places. Even here in Atlanta, early in the morni ...
Retro CB Transceiver Accessory For Your iPhone

Retro CB Transceiver Accessory For Your iPhone

If you are a movie fan like me, you know that the way cops usually interact with each other, whether they are in a car, on a bike or on foot, is throu ...
Solid Gold C-3PO & Sterling Silver R2-D2 Anniversary Figurines

Solid Gold C-3PO & Sterling Silver R2-D2 Anniversary Figurines

Time goes by so fast, and before you know it, you will have memories from a time which you thought were never going to become the past. A day can turn ...
Clever Birdfeeders Made With Repurposed Household Objects

Clever Birdfeeders Made With Repurposed Household Objects

Since I'm sitting at my desk on the computer most days, I like to look out the window into my backyard often. There is a rabbit house out there with a ...
Mother Nature Designs A Freakishly Cool Creature

Mother Nature Designs A Freakishly Cool Creature

This little guy is supposed to be a Blue Dragon Nudibranch, the Sea Swallow, or as some say, a Blue Sea Slug. I am not sure of its origin or scientifi ...
Black & White Canned Goods Filled With Intangible Wisdom

Black & White Canned Goods Filled With Intangible Wisdom

I read the other day that Americans are known by people all over the globe for being the most impatient people in the world. I would have to agree wit ...
The Age Old Question About Following Back On Twitter

The Age Old Question About Following Back On Twitter

Yes, I am one of THOSE people, I don't follow every single person back on Twitter. It's not that I think I am better than anybody else. That is not th ...
Trekkies: Microsoft Creates The First Universal Translator

Trekkies: Microsoft Creates The First Universal Translator

Just four short months ago, I wrote an article about Star Trek Technologies and how close we are to achieving each one. I think I can speak for most t ...
Lego Interior Design: Inspiration Added To Everyday Life

Lego Interior Design: Inspiration Added To Everyday Life

For us Lego lovers, seeing those little colorful bricks makes us happy and inspired. One thing I've learned since I've been a writer at Bit Rebels is ...
DIY Colorful Duct Tape Hair Bow

DIY Colorful Duct Tape Hair Bow

I'm starting to think there is a whole underground world of people who love duct tape and anything made with it. I'm serious. I mean, who needs someth ...
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