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The Jedi Trainer’s Guide To Employee Management

The Jedi Trainer’s Guide To Employee Management

This little nugget has completely gone viral since it was originally posted yesterday. It's no surprise really. When you combine the magic of Star War ...
Pancake Lego Robot: Makes The Geekiest Pancakes Ever

Pancake Lego Robot: Makes The Geekiest Pancakes Ever

Man, the kids that live in this house are so lucky. How cool would it be to have your own Lego pancake robot to make you Mickey Mouse shaped pancakes ...
Star Wars Meets Lord Of The Rings: Nuff Said!

Star Wars Meets Lord Of The Rings: Nuff Said!

We all love Star Wars, and we all love Lord of The Rings. If we didn't, these two franchises wouldn't be the runaway successes that they are today. Th ...
iPhone 5: The Most Likely Ideas Bundled Into A Phone

iPhone 5: The Most Likely Ideas Bundled Into A Phone

Ever since the first concept ideas arrived on the Internet for the iPhone 4, a huge debate started about whether some of them were actually real. Well ...
Gaming Injuries: It’s A Dangerous Business

Gaming Injuries: It’s A Dangerous Business

We've all been there and had sleepless nights in front of the screen playing away on our favorite games nonstop. We're determined and fanatical about ...
Harry Potter vs. Star Wars: The Similarities Are Striking

Harry Potter vs. Star Wars: The Similarities Are Striking

As we are drawing ever closer to the release of the last installment of the now critically acclaimed fantasy series Harry Potter, there is of course a ...
Eat Your Clothes: Edible Fabric Made From Fruits & Vegetables

Eat Your Clothes: Edible Fabric Made From Fruits & Vegetables

I know this concept may sound strange at first, but when you see the pictures below, you might change your mind. I never thought fabric made from dehy ...
Hand Painted Nintendo & Pokemon Geek Girl Bra Designs

Hand Painted Nintendo & Pokemon Geek Girl Bra Designs

I realized today when I was poking around Bit Rebels that we've written a lot of articles about geeky girl jewelry, clothes, shoes and accessories. It ...
Iron Man Origami Figurine: It’s Brutally Awesome

Iron Man Origami Figurine: It’s Brutally Awesome

It's quite apparent that our readers love origami in all its shapes and forms. We try to limit the awesomeness by only picking the really cool ones, a ...
Epic Sauron Tower Recreated With 50,000 Lego Blocks

Epic Sauron Tower Recreated With 50,000 Lego Blocks

It just so happens that we haven't published anything about Lego in quite a while (Not!). Since we haven't published anything about Lego since last we ...
How To: Facebook At Work Without Getting Caught

How To: Facebook At Work Without Getting Caught

Why is it that so many employers won't allow their employees to be on Facebook or Twitter during work hours? Could it be because that is considered wa ...
The Best Time Of Day To Tweet (To Get The Most RTs)

The Best Time Of Day To Tweet (To Get The Most RTs)

Twitter retweets are really quite fascinating once you start studying them. I find them interesting because the science behind them is not always what ...
Emergency Underpants Dispenser: Epic WTF Of The Day

Emergency Underpants Dispenser: Epic WTF Of The Day

Once in a while a "gadget" comes along that makes you a little uneasy. It's not that you feel uneasy to the point where you are clueless as to why the ...
Browser Wars: Your Favorite Browsers Illustrated

Browser Wars: Your Favorite Browsers Illustrated

Everyone has their own opinion about which browser is best. I'm normally a fan of Firefox, but after all the problems I had with Firefox 4, I don't kn ...
Pop Culture Ice Cream: Darth Vader, Super Mario And More

Pop Culture Ice Cream: Darth Vader, Super Mario And More

As we approach the summer with huge steps (in fact it might already be here), it's getting hotter and hotter outside. The ability to cool down is ever ...
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