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Social Media Art: All Your Facebook Friends Sketched

Social Media Art: All Your Facebook Friends Sketched

There are so many things about this that are so cool; I don't even know where to start! I remember a few years ago when we started seeing people creat ...
User Experience Design: Notes From An Inspired Designer

User Experience Design: Notes From An Inspired Designer

Talented designers have always inspired me. They just seem to be able to present information and ideas in ways that would never occur to me. This desi ...
10 Fierce Steampunk Inspired Flash Drives

10 Fierce Steampunk Inspired Flash Drives

We write about steampunk a lot on Bit Rebels. There is just something about mixing new technologies with Victorian sci-fi antique-looking designs that ...
Stunning Slow Motion Video: Gelatin Cubes Jiggle Your Brain

Stunning Slow Motion Video: Gelatin Cubes Jiggle Your Brain

I've written before about how much I don't like Jello. Well, it's not that I don't like it; it's more that I'm afraid of it. It's like an abomination ...
Drawn Game Posters: Always Better Than Computer Generated

Drawn Game Posters: Always Better Than Computer Generated

Usually when I create a new design, I like to switch up my tools every once in a while and not get stuck in Photoshop all the time. Illustrator is def ...
Create An Origami Crane With Your Tongue

Create An Origami Crane With Your Tongue

The talent the girl in this video has with her tongue definitely gets the WTF award of the day. One reason surfing the Internet is so much fun for me ...
Super Mario With A Portal Gun Is Way More Fun

Super Mario With A Portal Gun Is Way More Fun

Once again, I find myself walking the halls of the vibrant memories of Super Mario Bros. It's like it has become a close friend of mine that I can alw ...
World’s Most Secure House: A Zombie Bunker

World’s Most Secure House: A Zombie Bunker

Every once in a while I stumble over some crazy article in the newspaper that reports about someone rich building a doomsday shelter or bunker to keep ...
Creativity Takes Courage: 5 Ways To Build Your Courage

Creativity Takes Courage: 5 Ways To Build Your Courage

"Creativity takes courage" is one of my favorite quotes. It's an oldie but a goodie from Henri Matisse. It's so true. Creativity really does take a lo ...
North American Dialect Chart: Ya’ll Talk Funny

North American Dialect Chart: Ya’ll Talk Funny

Lately, for whatever reason, I've been talking to more and more of my Twitter friends on the phone. One of the first things people usually notice when ...
The Geekiest Most Romantic Anniversary Gift Ever

The Geekiest Most Romantic Anniversary Gift Ever

Since most of the hot guys out there these days are geeks, a lot of girls claim to be geeks just to hopefully capture the attention of the geek guys t ...
Freezing Han Solo: Real Time Freezing Kinect Hack

Freezing Han Solo: Real Time Freezing Kinect Hack

The Kinect platform and the awesome technology it represents is breaking new ground each day. The hacks get more and more sophisticated, and there see ...
The Cost Of William & Kate’s Wedding [Infographics]

The Cost Of William & Kate’s Wedding [Infographics]

You can hardly go on the Internet today without being confronted with the royal wedding that took place yesterday. News reports estimated that there w ...
Simpsons Alphabet: Another Reason To Learn Your ABCs

Simpsons Alphabet: Another Reason To Learn Your ABCs

As a kid, going to school is a truly magical experience at first. You can almost not wait to get into all that school business, and get some homework ...
Couch Potato’s Dream: A Motorized Easy Chair

Couch Potato’s Dream: A Motorized Easy Chair

That's what I'm talkin about baby! Imagine it's Sunday afternoon, you are in the mood for a little drive, no problem... as a matter of fact, you don't ...
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