Search query: education

5 Apps For Kids That Will Buy You 5 Minutes Of Precious Time

5 Apps For Kids That Will Buy You 5 Minutes Of Precious Time

I went to a picnic over the weekend with families who had kids of all different ages. Once the kids had burned off some energy on the playground and t ...
10 Vital Elements Of A Perfect Infographic Design [Infographic]

10 Vital Elements Of A Perfect Infographic Design [Infographic]

I have covered the topic of why infographics are such a great way to present information to people. I have even written about the reasons why infograp ...
Coffee Addicts: How To Make Every Kind Of Coffee Drink [Chart]

Coffee Addicts: How To Make Every Kind Of Coffee Drink [Chart]

If you are a coffee addict, and if you like to make your own coffee drinks at home, you are going to love this! I normally get my coffee at Starbucks ...
13 Vintage Apple Ads That Helped Shape Who We Are Today

13 Vintage Apple Ads That Helped Shape Who We Are Today

I remember back in August when Forbes magazine published an article called Apple Now Most Valuable Company in History. It caused quite a stir online, ...
Google Economy: How Google Makes $100 Million A Day [Infographic]

Google Economy: How Google Makes $100 Million A Day [Infographic]

There's no doubt that Google is one of the world's most successful companies, and it has been for several years. Their many free services are fueled b ...
Simple Guide To Making A Viral Video [Infographic]

Simple Guide To Making A Viral Video [Infographic]

There are more and more people uploading photos and videos to the Internet every day. We all know that photography has become really popular, and the ...
Trojan Horse Created From Thousands Of Computer Keyboard Keys

Trojan Horse Created From Thousands Of Computer Keyboard Keys

There are some things that are easy to recycle, some that are hard, and some that are just plain fun. Computer keyboard keys fall into the fun categor ...
Gender Pricing: Women Often Pay More Than Men [Infographic]

Gender Pricing: Women Often Pay More Than Men [Infographic]

Even though I'm a woman, I've never been one to carry the feminist flag. Since I've been an entrepreneur for so many years, I haven't had to deal with ...
Edgerank Algorithm Will Help You Trend On Facebook [Infographic]

Edgerank Algorithm Will Help You Trend On Facebook [Infographic]

The Internet is built up of a massive number of algorithms. Everything steers things in different directions, top charts, trending stuff and of course ...
Student Survey: Meet The CEOs Of Tomorrow [Infographic]

Student Survey: Meet The CEOs Of Tomorrow [Infographic]

Depending on how old you are, you probably remember being taught about business and marketing in school. When I was at University, I remember the inst ...
Anatomy Posters Of Legendary Movie Monsters

Anatomy Posters Of Legendary Movie Monsters

If you are a horror movie fanatic of rank, you know there is a lot more to the movie monsters that have scared you half to death than what meets the e ...
10 Financial Lessons We Can Learn From Warren Buffett

10 Financial Lessons We Can Learn From Warren Buffett

Yesterday was Warren Buffett's 82nd birthday, and I read on NBC News last night that he celebrated by giving each one of his three children $600 milli ...
Telltale Signs Someone Is Lying [Infographic]

Telltale Signs Someone Is Lying [Infographic]

Don't you wish you could sometimes spot a liar right away? I mean, the general population supposedly tells white lies quite often. There are many reas ...
Cracking Myths About Drinking Water [Infographic]

Cracking Myths About Drinking Water [Infographic]

Many times people have told me that water is the solution to everything. If you are feeling sick, drink water. If you want to lose weight, drink water ...
Teacher’s Guide To Social Media [Infographic]

Teacher’s Guide To Social Media [Infographic]

One question I keep asking myself about the current state of education in the United States, or at least in Atlanta where I live, is why isn't social ...
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