Search query: email

How To Save Your Smartphone If You Drop It In The Toilet

How To Save Your Smartphone If You Drop It In The Toilet

When CNET came out with their study in the summer of 2011 that said 19% of people drop their smartphones in the toilet, I think a lot of us were surpr ...
How A Custom T-Shirt Design Is Made [Infographic]

How A Custom T-Shirt Design Is Made [Infographic]

On our Facebook page, I usually post a lot of funny stuff that isn't a part of our daily articles here on Bit Rebels (which is a good reason why you s ...
Sparx: LED Flash Notifications iPhone 5 Case

Sparx: LED Flash Notifications iPhone 5 Case

Back in the day, when for the first time we could turn off the sound on our cell phones and instead have them vibrate when we received a call or a mes ...
What We Can All Learn From Buffer About Customer Service

What We Can All Learn From Buffer About Customer Service

The social tool, Buffer, is truly amazing at helping people with social media time management by sharing and scheduling content, which allows them to ...
Increase Productivity: Better Document Sharing With Box OneCloud

Increase Productivity: Better Document Sharing With Box OneCloud

As more companies see the value of cloud-based office productivity with document sharing software, more options become available for working with peop ...
Hand-Crank Phone Charger (For When You’re Without Electricity)

Hand-Crank Phone Charger (For When You’re Without Electricity)

Living without electricity is a big deal, and if you are blessed enough not to know what that feels like, try doing it for one day. It will be torture ...
Finally It Has Arrived: The iboost Business In A Box

Finally It Has Arrived: The iboost Business In A Box

If you are a rookie entrepreneur, you are going to love this. With this solution, iboost takes care of all the details for your new business so you ca ...
Delicately Embroidered Love Notes & Tweets To Inspire You [10 Pics]

Delicately Embroidered Love Notes & Tweets To Inspire You [10 Pics]

There is something about seeing embroidered text that is always inspiring to me. In our technology world where many of us have forgotten what it's lik ...
Pretty Cake Clothes Hanging In An Edible Closet (Complete With iPad)

Pretty Cake Clothes Hanging In An Edible Closet (Complete With iPad)

Wow, this would be a dream come true fantasy birthday cake for any little girl who loves her iPad and her Barbie dolls. What you see below is a cake c ...
The Couch Potato Is An Endangered Species [Infographic]

The Couch Potato Is An Endangered Species [Infographic]

According to this infographic, the couch potato is extinct. I still know of a few couch potatoes who cling to their remote controls like they are life ...
Walk That Tight Rope & Find Balance In Your Life

Walk That Tight Rope & Find Balance In Your Life

Life is moving faster than ever before. Finding balance in your life between all the things you want to achieve versus your obligations to family, fri ...
Simple Guide To Selling Your Small Business [Infographic]

Simple Guide To Selling Your Small Business [Infographic]

We write a lot here on Bit Rebels about the dedication, commitment and drive it takes to build a business, but one thing I don't think we've touched o ...
The Time We Spend Waiting: A Mesmerizing Photography Collection

The Time We Spend Waiting: A Mesmerizing Photography Collection

Have you ever paid attention to how much time we spend waiting in our lives? We spend time waiting for all kinds of things every day, and it's not jus ...
Star Wars Lightsaber Pens For The Scribbling Jedi

Star Wars Lightsaber Pens For The Scribbling Jedi

When I think of the technological wonders in the world, I get both excited and a little sad. Gone are the days when we receive written letters the sna ...
Nextiva VoIP: What Business Owners Expect

Nextiva VoIP: What Business Owners Expect

Business owners have a few expectations when doing business with vendors who help them operate on a daily basis. One, they want a quality product with ...
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