Search query: email

DIY Vertical Lego Building Area On The Wall & Ceiling

DIY Vertical Lego Building Area On The Wall & Ceiling

We recently got an email at Bit Rebels about a homegrown bio computer which is a computer built from donated computer parts which houses a soil contai ...
101 Ways To Open A Beer [Video]

101 Ways To Open A Beer [Video]

We have featured our fair share of creative bottle openers over the years, and we are not about to stop anytime soon. However, as everyone knows, ther ...
Retro Brilliance: The Cassette Tape Coffee Table

Retro Brilliance: The Cassette Tape Coffee Table

Retro design and coffee tables seem to go together well. It's a great way for people to add a little blast from the past to their homes. We've feature ...
Your Ultimate Google Penguin Recovery Plan [5 Infographics]

Your Ultimate Google Penguin Recovery Plan [5 Infographics]

If you hang with people in the web industry, you know that ever since Google implemented one of their biggest algorithm changes ever last month, which ...
Having A Toxic Boss Hurts Your Health & Happiness [Infographic]

Having A Toxic Boss Hurts Your Health & Happiness [Infographic]

I haven't worked a 9-5 Monday through Friday job in so long, I can barely remember what it was like. Now I work about 14 hours a day instead of 8 (bec ...
How To: Woo A Blogger For Publicity

How To: Woo A Blogger For Publicity

Bloggers are a marketer's dream come true. If you can get on their good side, they will be one of your company’s biggest brand ambassadors. Their exis ...
Mario’s Graffiti World: Mario & Family Redesigned In Graffiti

Mario’s Graffiti World: Mario & Family Redesigned In Graffiti

A few months ago, I wrote about a graffiti artist named Tilt who designed a room he called the Panic Room for a hotel in France. It caught my attentio ...
Star Wars Stamps Will Make Snail Mail Cool Again

Star Wars Stamps Will Make Snail Mail Cool Again

I don't think I am the only one who almost entirely abandoned snail mail as a networking tool long ago. I mean, I can't even remember the last sent a ...
3 Easy Handmade Postcard Ideas To Make Mail Fun Again

3 Easy Handmade Postcard Ideas To Make Mail Fun Again

Yesterday as I checked my mail, I started thinking about how boring getting mail has become. The only thing I ever get anymore is junk mail, and it ma ...
Wooden VHS Coffee Table Is A Retro Dreamer’s Ultimate Fix

Wooden VHS Coffee Table Is A Retro Dreamer’s Ultimate Fix

I honestly believe that the retrofication of your home is an honorable undertaking that might just land you some zen in your hectic life. Each day we ...
How Social Media Is Used In Divorce Court [Infographic]

How Social Media Is Used In Divorce Court [Infographic]

We've all heard about the isolated cases where Facebook, Twitter and other social media sites were used in divorce court. What you may not realize is ...
High Heels For Men: Yeah, I’m For Real

High Heels For Men: Yeah, I’m For Real

I've often read that America is becoming more "feminine" all the way around, but I never really thought there was much validity to that until recently ...
Tweet Seats: A Special Section In Theaters For Twitter Addicts

Tweet Seats: A Special Section In Theaters For Twitter Addicts

Well, hallelujah! As soon as I read about this, I instantly had to stop to write about it. Do you tweet, update your facebook status, text, pin and ev ...
The Epic Failed Predictions For The End Of The World [Infographic]

The Epic Failed Predictions For The End Of The World [Infographic]

Some of you might feel like this year is a year of constant shadows. The looming doomsday of the Mayan calendar ending has been subject to both specul ...
Ooma: An Internet Telephone Service With Oomph!

Ooma: An Internet Telephone Service With Oomph!

I've used Skype for years, and as a way of making no-cost/low-cost calls, it’s really excellent. That said, the call quality can be a little shaky som ...
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