Search query: furniture

You Can Transform Old Washing Machine Into Futuristic Looking Chair

You Can Transform Old Washing Machine Into Futuristic Looking Chair

I don't know how long washing machines last, but I've only had one during my adult life. That's not to say that someday it won't need to be replaced t ...
Paper Clock: Recyclable Alarm Clock With An Analog Twist

Paper Clock: Recyclable Alarm Clock With An Analog Twist

Sometimes the best innovations are the ones brought to life by the simple means in our lives. We have written about it quite often here on Bit Rebels. ...
Time Travel Communications Found Hidden In A Coffee Shop

Time Travel Communications Found Hidden In A Coffee Shop

If you've ever left a time capsule for future generations to find, you know how much fun it is. It's tricky because you have to find a secret place to ...
Space Saving Work Desk For Two That Transforms Into Large Dining Table

Space Saving Work Desk For Two That Transforms Into Large Dining Table

As living spaces get smaller around the world, creative space saving furniture and home decor is becoming more popular. I have a few pieces of convert ...
8-Bit Space Invaders Inspired Micro House Design

8-Bit Space Invaders Inspired Micro House Design

Micro houses are all the rage these days, and I could see myself living in one of them easily. I might not want to live in a house as small as the hou ...
Small Suitcase Transforms Into An Office Desk With Two Stools & A Lamp

Small Suitcase Transforms Into An Office Desk With Two Stools & A Lamp

The world of mobile technology that we live in has opened a lot of doors for us all. My favorite part of my job is that I can work from anywhere. I've ...
The Big Bag Of Snowballs: Perfect For An Indoor Snowball Fight

The Big Bag Of Snowballs: Perfect For An Indoor Snowball Fight

Now that Spring has officially begun, I suppose it's safe to say we aren't getting any snow this year in Atlanta. It's a bummer for us because snow is ...
Melting Chocolate Lamp Design Is Uniquely Bright & Tasty

Melting Chocolate Lamp Design Is Uniquely Bright & Tasty

I realize I just wrote an article a few hours ago about how important it is for geeks to remember to eat healthy since we spend so much time in front ...
Interactive Wall Is A High Tech Playground For Hospitalized Children

Interactive Wall Is A High Tech Playground For Hospitalized Children

I've written about several different interactive wall or floor installations lately, and it seems people are coming up with more and more creative way ...
Creative Hollow Chair Design Gives You All Kinds Of Extra Space

Creative Hollow Chair Design Gives You All Kinds Of Extra Space

We've written a ton of articles about ways to optimize your living space, especially if you are living in a small apartment or even a room. Although, ...
The Chair Snuggie Will Wrap You In Warmth All Winter Long

The Chair Snuggie Will Wrap You In Warmth All Winter Long

January is the coldest month of the year where I live, and I pretty much spent the entire month underneath my electric blanket writing. When I'm not e ...
10 Houses With Intriguing Secret Rooms & Passageways

10 Houses With Intriguing Secret Rooms & Passageways

I don't know about you, but I love houses that have secret rooms and passageways. I don't see many new houses with those, unless they are put in after ...
Portable House Big Enough For 2 People Fits On The Back Of A Tricycle

Portable House Big Enough For 2 People Fits On The Back Of A Tricycle

I've often said that I wish I didn't have to own a car. I would like it so much better if I could just ride my bicycle everywhere. Since I have to tra ...
Retro Geek Paradise: Your Own NES Living Room Design

Retro Geek Paradise: Your Own NES Living Room Design

You know we are retro geeks here at Bit Rebels, and we love writing about anything that takes us back to the days of the NES. That was a special era, ...
Indulge Expensive Taste With Inexpensive Home Ideas [Infographic]

Indulge Expensive Taste With Inexpensive Home Ideas [Infographic]

While you're pinning that cool vase or couch on Pinterest, you could be at the store picking out your own new furnishings. You don't need a big budget ...
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