Search query: game

Papercraft Replica Of Crysis Nanosuit 2.0 Is Pure Mastery

Papercraft Replica Of Crysis Nanosuit 2.0 Is Pure Mastery

I recently stumbled over an origami book called Star Wars Origami that I thought was the pinnacle of cool. As I paged through the various designs and ...
Go Retro With The Ultra Sleek Padintosh iPad Case

Go Retro With The Ultra Sleek Padintosh iPad Case

We tend to write a lot about all things Apple, and it is not particularly because we are fans of their products. It's because the number of accessorie ...
Retro Gaming On The iPhone Lets You Relive The Memories

Retro Gaming On The iPhone Lets You Relive The Memories

Devices such as the iPhone, iPad, or any of the multitude of Android and Windows phones out there have rapidly turned into decent gaming machines. Ste ...
Power Nap Styles & How They Affect You [Infographic]

Power Nap Styles & How They Affect You [Infographic]

The fast pace of our daily lives has increased even more in the past few years, and I guess that is the way it will continue. Sleep has become a luxur ...
Play Monopoly With Mario: The Retro Nintendo Version

Play Monopoly With Mario: The Retro Nintendo Version

Monopoly is one of the most well known of all the classic board games, and I can think of at least a dozen other games that are inspired by it. I like ...
4 Houses Of Hogwarts Inspired Fantasy Fashion Designs

4 Houses Of Hogwarts Inspired Fantasy Fashion Designs

If you are a fan of Harry Potter and couture style, you are going to love these fabulous fashion designs. This is a collection of four dresses inspire ...
Retro Gaming Decor: The Geeky Donkey Kong Wall Shelf

Retro Gaming Decor: The Geeky Donkey Kong Wall Shelf

If you love retro gaming from the '80s as much as we do, you are going to love this very geeky, very creative and very nostalgic Donkey Kong wall shel ...
Technology Art Interference In 9 Amazing Pictures

Technology Art Interference In 9 Amazing Pictures

I had an interesting conversation with Diana the other day. She went out of her element to get a little bit more inspiration and decided to check out ...
Inside Look At Darth Vader’s Tie Fighter Cockpit

Inside Look At Darth Vader’s Tie Fighter Cockpit

There are a lot of fans of Star Wars out there who continuously try to squeeze the last drop of sci-fi out of the series. They memorize every line, de ...
App Developers: A Secret Recipe For Success [Infographic]

App Developers: A Secret Recipe For Success [Infographic]

There are a lot of app developers in the world. When things really started to become successful with the iPhone, it was like a 21st century gold rush ...
Multi-Purpose Chair For The Ultimate Geek

Multi-Purpose Chair For The Ultimate Geek

There comes a time in every geek's life when he or she dreams of a multi-purpose chair that will enable them to do all the things a geek wants to do i ...
Minecraft Cupcakes & Cakes To Celebrate Being Creative

Minecraft Cupcakes & Cakes To Celebrate Being Creative

I could eat all of these Minecraft cupcakes right now. I'm going through a Minecraft and Temple Run phase at the moment. I can literally lose an hour ...
R2-D2 Baby Costume: Definitely The Droid You’re Looking For

R2-D2 Baby Costume: Definitely The Droid You’re Looking For

There is only one kind of Star Wars costume that is better than the fabulous ones we've featured time and time again, and that is a baby Star Wars cos ...
Olympic Multiple Exposure Photographs To Inspire You [10 Pics]

Olympic Multiple Exposure Photographs To Inspire You [10 Pics]

As if watching the Olympics wasn't inspiring enough, these multiple exposure pictures make the whole experience even better. We all know that this is ...
Olympics Now In 8-Bit Style For Your Retro Pleasure

Olympics Now In 8-Bit Style For Your Retro Pleasure

So the Olympics have been going on for a few days now, and several gold medals have been given out to the best athletes in the world. However, we are ...
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