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Connector Drive Instantly Increases Your iPhone’s Storage Capacity

Connector Drive Instantly Increases Your iPhone’s Storage Capacity

Have you ever run out of storage space on your iPhone? If you have then you know it's a really annoying experience that will take you a while to solve ...
Touch Sensitive Interactive Video Flooring That Changes Everything

Touch Sensitive Interactive Video Flooring That Changes Everything

This touch sensitive interactive video floor is so exciting. We've seen touch sensitive, interactive flooring before, like in a small space where kids ...
iTeufel Magnum Review: It’s The Bentley Of Bluetooth Audio

iTeufel Magnum Review: It’s The Bentley Of Bluetooth Audio

I have used Teufel audio products for five years now, and I associate excellent build and sound quality with the brand. So, it was only natural for me ...
15 Years Of Apple Website History [Slideshow]

15 Years Of Apple Website History [Slideshow]

After Tim Cook addressed The Wall Street Journal's bad reporting on Apple's cut on component orders for the iPhone 5, the quarterly numbers for 2013 w ...
Retro Geek Paradise: Your Own NES Living Room Design

Retro Geek Paradise: Your Own NES Living Room Design

You know we are retro geeks here at Bit Rebels, and we love writing about anything that takes us back to the days of the NES. That was a special era, ...
Top 10 Failed Social Media Sites & What We Can Learn [Infographic]

Top 10 Failed Social Media Sites & What We Can Learn [Infographic]

If you are an entrepreneur who enjoys networking in social media, it's probably crossed your mind to start your own social media site. There are so ma ...
Labyrinth Security Lock Makes Less Sense But Is A Whole Lot More Fun

Labyrinth Security Lock Makes Less Sense But Is A Whole Lot More Fun

Home security is a tricky business. People are led to believe that you have to spend an obscene amount of money in order to stay completely safe. But ...
LED Curtain Displays Incredible 3D Light Shows

LED Curtain Displays Incredible 3D Light Shows

Everything seems to be about 3D these days. If it's not a 3D printer, it is a new movie theater with a new kind of 3D experience. Rewind 10 years, and ...
How Marketers Use Psychology Of Choice To Their Advantage [Infographic]

How Marketers Use Psychology Of Choice To Their Advantage [Infographic]

We've all heard the phrase, "We are our choices." It's true when you think about it. Every single choice we make from what to eat for lunch to who to ...
Ramen Bowl iPhone Dock Enables Dinner FaceTime Companionship

Ramen Bowl iPhone Dock Enables Dinner FaceTime Companionship

For a lot of people, lunch and dinner are some of the loneliest moments of the day. Not always because of the lack of friends, but because some people ...
Functional Wooden NES Controller Coffee Table Available For $3,700

Functional Wooden NES Controller Coffee Table Available For $3,700

There have been quite a few magnificently geeky coffee tables created over the years. We have featured a load of them here on Bit Rebels. They are usu ...
Audi’s Car Can Park Itself When You Use The Parking App [Video]

Audi’s Car Can Park Itself When You Use The Parking App [Video]

How would you like it if your car dropped you off at the door of your office and then drove itself around the parking deck to find a parking spot wher ...
Okpo Land: South Korea’s Abandoned Amusement Park [12 Pics]

Okpo Land: South Korea’s Abandoned Amusement Park [12 Pics]

If there's one lesson to be learned from watching Poltergeist, it's this - before buying land, do your research. If you don't, you and your plucky nuc ...
Cupcake Printer Turns Your Sloppy Cupcakes Into Delicious Artwork

Cupcake Printer Turns Your Sloppy Cupcakes Into Delicious Artwork

So you're sitting there looking at cupcakes all day long. You dream of being able to create magnificent and perfect cupcakes like everyone else seems ...
How Much Money Would It Cost For You To Live On Mars? [Infographic]

How Much Money Would It Cost For You To Live On Mars? [Infographic]

People have always been fascinated by the thought of traveling to Mars. Whenever I think about what it would be like to live on Mars, I am reminded of ...
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