Search query: house

Utopian Future: The Internet Connects Everything [Infographic]

Utopian Future: The Internet Connects Everything [Infographic]

Think about how many things in our lives are connected somehow to the Internet. When I use the word things, I mean actual things. For example, these t ...
Woman Discovers How To Live Happily Without Any Money

Woman Discovers How To Live Happily Without Any Money

What does it mean to be rich? Does it mean that a person has a lot of money? Does it mean having a big house with a lot of things in it? I know people ...
Creative Architecture: The Scariest Playground Ever Built

Creative Architecture: The Scariest Playground Ever Built

I remember back when Richard wrote about this rooftop pool because the way it was built made it look like you could swim right over the edge and plumm ...
Steampunk Animal Trophies: A Valuable Recycling Lesson

Steampunk Animal Trophies: A Valuable Recycling Lesson

It's always strange to me whenever I see stuffed animal heads hanging on the wall in someone's home. I know that to a hunter, killing a deer, for exam ...
Disaster Survival Nerd Robo Shelter

Disaster Survival Nerd Robo Shelter

While the world is utterly upside down, and we have disasters going on pretty much everywhere and seemingly all the time,  maybe it is time we start t ...
The Real Steampunk Iron Man Suit Is Magnificent

The Real Steampunk Iron Man Suit Is Magnificent

The insanely successful brand and franchise of Iron Man took the world by storm. I must admit that when I saw the trailer for the first movie, I wasn' ...
Have Fun Making Pawprints In The Sand

Have Fun Making Pawprints In The Sand

This is an official cute alert! How fun would it be to go to the beach and walk in wet sand leaving animal footprints (or would that be pawprints) beh ...
Pancake Lego Robot: Makes The Geekiest Pancakes Ever

Pancake Lego Robot: Makes The Geekiest Pancakes Ever

Man, the kids that live in this house are so lucky. How cool would it be to have your own Lego pancake robot to make you Mickey Mouse shaped pancakes ...
Emergency Underpants Dispenser: Epic WTF Of The Day

Emergency Underpants Dispenser: Epic WTF Of The Day

Once in a while a "gadget" comes along that makes you a little uneasy. It's not that you feel uneasy to the point where you are clueless as to why the ...
8-Bit Mapping: We’re Living In A Retro World

8-Bit Mapping: We’re Living In A Retro World

With all this new technology constantly becoming better and cheaper, there is a community out there that is just dying to make the most of it. Project ...
Jupiter Beer Case Castle Build: Made To Last

Jupiter Beer Case Castle Build: Made To Last

Any man-made structure these days seems to be created in order to make an impression. There are no longer houses being built just to make sense. They ...
12 Bird Nests In Unusual Places: Get Inspired By Nature

12 Bird Nests In Unusual Places: Get Inspired By Nature

I've always had a soft spot for bird nests and the baby birds that the mamas take care of inside those nests. I've written before about Tweet-Tweet, m ...
How To: Pimp Your Smartphone Celebrity Style

How To: Pimp Your Smartphone Celebrity Style

How many times do you see someone whose phone looks and sounds just like it did when they first bought it at the store? Almost never, right? Whether i ...
Foursquare Reaches 10 Million Members: The Animated Infographic

Foursquare Reaches 10 Million Members: The Animated Infographic

I remember when I first saw the word foursquare and when people started to sign up. My friend @mayhemstudios (Calvin Lee) was one of the first people ...
Emergency Toilet Design Created For People In Japan

Emergency Toilet Design Created For People In Japan

As of today, it's been three months since the devastating earthquake and tsunami hit Japan. We don't see as many bloggers writing about it anymore, an ...
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