Search query: interview

5 Reasons Your Twitter DMs Are Being Ignored

5 Reasons Your Twitter DMs Are Being Ignored

Since I've been on Twitter since 2008, I've truly been able to benefit from the social networking platform. The majority of information I know today i ...
Lego Ray Gun: Insane Build With Amazing Retro Feel

Lego Ray Gun: Insane Build With Amazing Retro Feel

When it comes to Lego guns, there are really two camps. There are those that either embrace the creativeness, or those that really hate the concept be ...
Decoding Your Dreams: Every Dream Has A Message [Infographic]

Decoding Your Dreams: Every Dream Has A Message [Infographic]

Do you by any chance remember your latest dream? Do you have any clue what it might mean? There is a whole science out there that focuses on decoding ...
Geek Lady Gaga Visits Google And Twitter

Geek Lady Gaga Visits Google And Twitter

I've always known Lady Gaga was a geek. You don't have to watch too many of her music videos to pick up on her geek-infused way of doing things. Last ...
Be A Captain Every Night: The Pirate Ship Bedroom

Be A Captain Every Night: The Pirate Ship Bedroom

What is it with geeks and home decor? Have you ever noticed that geeks are very particular with how they like to style their living and working spaces ...
How To: Make An Earthquake Kit

How To: Make An Earthquake Kit

Have you ever had the chance to experience a 7.8 magnitude earthquake? I have and believe me, it is really scary. Japan was rocked with an 8.9 magnitu ...
Geek Inspired Design: Cozy Coffee Cup Cuteness

Geek Inspired Design: Cozy Coffee Cup Cuteness

I love hot coffee and tea. I also love being cozy. So when I found this little cup sleeve design called a "Cup Cozie," I knew I had to write about i ...
Freakish Urban Improv: Super Mario Kart In Real Life!

Freakish Urban Improv: Super Mario Kart In Real Life!

I have seen quite a lot of geeky things after such a long time here at Bit Rebels.  But, I never cease to be amazed at the creativity people are able ...
Twitter’s Top 75 Badass Women

Twitter’s Top 75 Badass Women

A while back my dear friend HowellMarketing and I had a conversation about the influential and inspiring women on Twitter. We were both in awe of how ...
8-Bit Photography: Game Characters Escape Once Again

8-Bit Photography: Game Characters Escape Once Again

Not too long ago, I wrote about the wonderful and creative image mashups of 8-bit game characters that had escaped to reality.  I also wrote about the ...
The Cocktail Dress Made From 14,325 Woven Rubber Bands

The Cocktail Dress Made From 14,325 Woven Rubber Bands

I love it when art and fashion collide because you know it's always going to be interesting. We've featured everything from dresses made out of food ...
How The World Began: Illustrated In Cookie Dough

How The World Began: Illustrated In Cookie Dough

These little illustrations were printed in the New York Times a few days ago, and they are so precious and sweet, I just had to share them with you he ...
Eating Disorders: The Painful Truth Drawn In Colored Pencils

Eating Disorders: The Painful Truth Drawn In Colored Pencils

This artist's work struck a chord with me because I'm personally very close to someone that is struggling with an eating disorder. It's not as uncomm ...
Now You Can Play A Solo On… The Millennium Falcon!

Now You Can Play A Solo On… The Millennium Falcon!

What do you think about when you think about an instrument? You probably think about a guitar, a piano or even a set of drums. If you're a geek, you ...
Photography: Colorful Thread Transformed Into Stunning Artwork

Photography: Colorful Thread Transformed Into Stunning Artwork

These beautiful, colorful linear installations aren't computer generated. Designer Sebastien Preschoux sets these up himself, outside in the natural ...
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