Search query: marketing

All About NPS Score And Why Every Business Should Know About It

All About NPS Score And Why Every Business Should Know About It

NPS score or Net Promoter Score is a measure of customer loyalty which indicates how likely the customers of a particular brand or business are to rec ...
Would You Want To Shop At Your Own Online Store?

Would You Want To Shop At Your Own Online Store?

Admit it: you’re attached to your online store. And, you should be. It’s only natural to take pride in your accomplishments and stand behind your choi ...
4 Benefits Of A Gamified Employee Advocacy Program

4 Benefits Of A Gamified Employee Advocacy Program

You probably see it all over your social media newsfeeds. Seems like all day long, business leaders preoccupied with employee engagement are talking a ...
Great Tips On How To Find The Righ AdWords Agency

Great Tips On How To Find The Righ AdWords Agency

Looking for products and services over the internet on your smartphone is the new revolution in the virtual world, giving it a new purpose and signifi ...
The Pros And Cons Of Running A Home Business

The Pros And Cons Of Running A Home Business

Is it your dream to run a home business? Many people like the idea of working from home because it gives them more freedom and time to spend with thei ...
7 Ways Your SEM Campaign Is Going In The Wrong Direction

7 Ways Your SEM Campaign Is Going In The Wrong Direction

A search engine marketing campaign, or a PPC campaign, are great tools business owners can use to increase their customer base. They are easy to set u ...
A Hypothetical Breakup Conversation With Your SEO Practices

A Hypothetical Breakup Conversation With Your SEO Practices

Hello, SEO practices. Our company has been employing you in our online marketing efforts for the past few years. And yet our bottom line seems to be g ...
Why It Is Important To Research Your Target Market [Infographic]

Why It Is Important To Research Your Target Market [Infographic]

We believe that every business should carry out target market research, this is because it helps companies in marketing and selling their product or s ...
The Intricate Psychology Behind Your Designs And Colors

The Intricate Psychology Behind Your Designs And Colors

There is far more to a design than creating a pretty picture and using suitable colors. In fact, every color, shape, line, font, text, and graphics wi ...
SentiOne – How To Use SentiOne To Dominate The Social Space [Review]

SentiOne – How To Use SentiOne To Dominate The Social Space [Review]

The voice of the social community has become so powerful, that it is now impossible for any business to ignore it if they want to grow their brand. It ...
5 Ways Apps Can Significantly Enhance Business Ventures

5 Ways Apps Can Significantly Enhance Business Ventures

The effort of selling a new idea to an established market is enough to make most people avoid it. Are you one of them? I hope you’re part of the group ...
Why The Business Catalog Still Survives In A Digital Age

Why The Business Catalog Still Survives In A Digital Age

When the internet started to revolutionize the way business was conducted, particularly in terms of marketing, many predicted that the business catalo ...
6 Reasons Why All Businesses Should Have A Website

6 Reasons Why All Businesses Should Have A Website

As we move towards an increasingly digital world, you would think that most businesses would place "creating a website" at the top of their to-do-list ...
If Superheroes Worked In The Real World – What Would They Do? [Infographic]

If Superheroes Worked In The Real World – What Would They Do? [Infographic]

This wonderful infographic from PeopleVox will take you through which Job role your favorite superheroes would do if they all worked as a team in a wa ...
7 Reasons Why You Can Not Run A Business Without An App

7 Reasons Why You Can Not Run A Business Without An App

You’re probably proud of your latest controversial social media postings, right? And your website showcases your business perfectly. Now you can sit b ...
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