Search query: mental health

Can Journaling Replace Therapy? – (Examples & Studies)

Can Journaling Replace Therapy? – (Examples & Studies)

Both therapy and journaling are popular methods of dealing with mental health issues, and they boast many of the same benefits. However, therapy is of ...
How To Show Your Employees You Care While Being Remote

How To Show Your Employees You Care While Being Remote

Office celebrations for birthdays and promotions are always a big hit, but they are hard to pull off with everyone working remotely. Luckily, there st ...
3 Simple Ways To Simplify Your Life

3 Simple Ways To Simplify Your Life

Life can be a spinning-plates act sometimes. You turn your full attention to work, only to find that the clutter around your home is out of hand. You ...
What You Should Know About Magic Mushrooms

What You Should Know About Magic Mushrooms

After the decision to decriminalize magic mushrooms in Ann Arbor, many are wondering why they were criminalized in the first place, and others what th ...
COVID-19 Could Make Remote Working A Permanent Option Post-Pandemic

COVID-19 Could Make Remote Working A Permanent Option Post-Pandemic

Businesses across the globe had to shutter their physical office locations and switch to remote working in a matter of weeks when COVID-19 began its a ...
What Should You Look For When Choosing A College?

What Should You Look For When Choosing A College?

Studying in college is one of the most exciting milestones in the life of a person. It is where they learn a lot of things about themselves and in soc ...
What Is Delta 8 THC And What Are Its Uses?

What Is Delta 8 THC And What Are Its Uses?

Delta-8-tetrahydrocannabinol (Delta 8-THC) is one of the more than 100 naturally occurring cannabinoids in most cannabis plants. It’s a variation of t ...
You’re Probably Sitting At Your Computer All Wrong

You’re Probably Sitting At Your Computer All Wrong

Adults spend up to 12 hours a day in front of a computer or TV screen. Between work, social media, and gaming, it's a huge portion of our day. Unfortu ...
Why You Need To Buy Yourself A Jacuzzi

Why You Need To Buy Yourself A Jacuzzi

Ok, jacuzzis are definitely not cheap. It is for sure a great investment and you need to make good use of it, otherwise it will be a waste of money. J ...
Spiritual Teacher And Author Gregory Drambour – How To Move Forward When Feeling Stuck In Life

Spiritual Teacher And Author Gregory Drambour – How To Move Forward When Feeling Stuck In Life

Life is about moving forward. If you’ve found yourself in a rut, if it feels like the world is moving on without you, leaving you behind. Or you may f ...
Popular Musical Instruments That Might Interest You

Popular Musical Instruments That Might Interest You

Playing an instrument is a noble hobby. It’s not only something fun to do to pass the time, but it also has numerous health benefits and it will boost ...
The Latest Sauna Trends You Should Know About

The Latest Sauna Trends You Should Know About

Saunas have long been proven to provide various health benefits such as helping to alleviate stress and relieve physical, mental, and emotional tensio ...
UK Gamblers Spent More Time And Money On Games during Lockdown

UK Gamblers Spent More Time And Money On Games during Lockdown

Many people sought different ways to keep occupied and entertained during the long months of lockdown around the world. Some took up a new hobby, lear ...
Top 6 Benefits Of Using A Standing Desk

Top 6 Benefits Of Using A Standing Desk

Standing desks have been growing in popularity for the past few years, and you probably have a few coworkers that like to knock out reports at their s ...
Why Living An Eco-Friendly Lifestyle Is Beneficial

Why Living An Eco-Friendly Lifestyle Is Beneficial

Amidst unprecedented CO2 emissions, plastic pollution, and resource depletion, it’s high time we all took a thorough look at the way we live our lives ...
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