Search query: shortcuts

How To: Build Quality Links For Better Search Ranking [Infographic]

How To: Build Quality Links For Better Search Ranking [Infographic]

One of the most important aspects of building a following or a large reader base is making sure you manage your links properly. Link building is not a ...
Refurbished iPhones With Special Apps Designed To Help Senior Citizens

Refurbished iPhones With Special Apps Designed To Help Senior Citizens

Earlier today, Richard wrote about a GPS cane that was designed to assist senior citizens by helping them get around in unfamiliar places. It has tons ...
How Techspeak Can Hurt Your English Grammar Skills [Infographic]

How Techspeak Can Hurt Your English Grammar Skills [Infographic]

If you spend a lot of time on text, Twitter, Skype chat or any other instant messaging service (who doesn't these days?), you might find it easier to ...
The Shocking Truth About Internet Spiders & Bots [Infographic]

The Shocking Truth About Internet Spiders & Bots [Infographic]

Every website owner dreams of hitting it big. When traffic starts soaring, it's a fulfilling feeling that sometimes feels like it can only get better. ...
7 Blogging Myths Busted: Avoid These Myths & Build A Strong Foundation

7 Blogging Myths Busted: Avoid These Myths & Build A Strong Foundation

Are you thinking about starting your own blog? Are you all ready to set it up? Yeah, at this very moment you might be thinking about your social marke ...
Save Time: 7 Simple Steps To Online Efficiency [Infographic]

Save Time: 7 Simple Steps To Online Efficiency [Infographic]

With as much as we all try to accomplish online these days, optimizing our tasks and workflow will not only save time, but it's become a necessity to ...
Cheap Knockoff MacBook Air From China Runs On Windows

Cheap Knockoff MacBook Air From China Runs On Windows

The debate about which is better - a Mac (OS X) or a PC (Windows) has long been one of the arguments that never seems to end. Each side has their own ...
E-Ink Keyboard Is The Ultimate Affordable Software Chameleon

E-Ink Keyboard Is The Ultimate Affordable Software Chameleon

When the OLED keyboard Optimus Maximus by Art. Lebedev Studios was first announced, there was a huge hype about it's futuristic features. People went ...
Kangaroo Boots: Each Step Is A Potential Launch Into Orbit

Kangaroo Boots: Each Step Is A Potential Launch Into Orbit

We are constantly fed all kinds of weird exercise concepts on TV. It's like our biggest urge is to get fit without having to do anything at all. I don ...
Words Of Encouragement For Designers & Artists In A Creative Slump

Words Of Encouragement For Designers & Artists In A Creative Slump

If you are a web designer, blogger, photographer or artist of any kind, you probably know what it feels like to be in a creative slump. Anyone who is ...
Choose Wisely: Professional vs. Novice SEO Company [Infographic]

Choose Wisely: Professional vs. Novice SEO Company [Infographic]

These days, there are a lot of people who claim to have the professional skills to optimize a website's SEO to perfection. We all know there are profe ...
Getting Noticed: 6 Ways To Gain Social Media Attention [Infographic]

Getting Noticed: 6 Ways To Gain Social Media Attention [Infographic]

I keep coming back to this topic over and over again. I think it is because I feel it's such an important aspect of social media and networking in gen ...
Marketing Secrets For Success On Pinterest [Infographic]

Marketing Secrets For Success On Pinterest [Infographic]

Every company on the planet is looking for a cheap and effective way to get their message, product or service into people's minds. It's the natural wa ...
Rejuvenation Gift Cards For The Failing Community Manager

Rejuvenation Gift Cards For The Failing Community Manager

Social networking has had its share of plagues through the years. Hackers, spammers and bots are a few of the ill-fated trouble makers. Recently we ha ...
Increase Productivity With These 12 Simple Tips [Infographic]

Increase Productivity With These 12 Simple Tips [Infographic]

Every once in a great while, we all fall short on our productivity. We procrastinate every second we can, and it's usually what puts us off our deadli ...
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