Search query: smart technology

iOS ’86: If The iPhone Was Released In The 1980s

iOS ’86: If The iPhone Was Released In The 1980s

Everything we see on the screen today has gone through some sort of development process. The look, feel and usability has evolved through time, and th ...
La Sardina Belle Start: Most Beautiful Lomography Camera Yet

La Sardina Belle Start: Most Beautiful Lomography Camera Yet

With the ever expanding usage of photo services on the Internet, it seems that Instagram is the one that is growing the most. I made the mistake of ca ...
Cook Your Food & Charge Your Gadgets With The Same Device

Cook Your Food & Charge Your Gadgets With The Same Device

I love giving my hubby geeky gifts. Honestly, sometimes they don't even hit my radar because companies do a poor job of marketing to women. I started ...
Kissenger: Kiss Transmission Robot That Delivers Online Kisses

Kissenger: Kiss Transmission Robot That Delivers Online Kisses

Now that so many people are meeting their sweethearts online with the help of social media, it makes sense that we'd start seeing more and more gadget ...
Morse Code Twitter Device Brings The Retro Into Tweeting

Morse Code Twitter Device Brings The Retro Into Tweeting

In an age when basic devices are more complicated than anything you could get your hands on in the '80s, people are constantly looking for simpler way ...
Automated Storytelling: Cavemen Are Rolling In Their Graves

Automated Storytelling: Cavemen Are Rolling In Their Graves

Everyone loves a good story, right? I can't count how many times I've "zoned out" during a presentation of some flavor, and my ears perked up right af ...
Cyborg Generation: It’s Not Just Siri, Prepare To Be Assimilated

Cyborg Generation: It’s Not Just Siri, Prepare To Be Assimilated

I love Star Trek. I remember watching the original TV series as a kid. In Star Trek, there was a race of cybernetic organisms that would abduct people ...
X-Ray iPad App: This Time It’s For Real

X-Ray iPad App: This Time It’s For Real

Oh Lord, here we go again! It's another application that claims it will favor the voyeuristic tendencies in your life. We have heard it all before, ri ...
Genius Ring: Control Your Computer Interaction With Your Ring

Genius Ring: Control Your Computer Interaction With Your Ring

If you have been following the development of accessory technology lately, you know that rings, necklaces, wristbands and other things like that are c ...
The Twitter Environmental Effect: A Unique Doomsday Infographic

The Twitter Environmental Effect: A Unique Doomsday Infographic

Yesterday my son asked me why so many people say the world is about to end. That is a loaded question when you think about it. He even mentioned a dat ...
Colorful Daytime Fireworks Created With 8,000 Military Shells

Colorful Daytime Fireworks Created With 8,000 Military Shells

Before I even get into this article about these beautiful fireworks, I want to mention that this video was shot and edited with an iPhone 4S. It's suc ...
Casino iPhone Apps: A Festive Way To Spend Some Downtime

Casino iPhone Apps: A Festive Way To Spend Some Downtime

This is the time of year when more people than ever before will be traveling and taking time off from work. Even people who are certified workaholics ...
The Evolution Of The Microprocessor [Infographic]

The Evolution Of The Microprocessor [Infographic]

Just like we expect clear water to come out of our tap, the microprocessor is just one of those things that we expect to be there when we turn on our ...
i-Helicopter: Turbo Charged iPhone Remote Control Helicopter

i-Helicopter: Turbo Charged iPhone Remote Control Helicopter

There are so many fun smartphone apps and games available today to entertain us that I'm surprised some people still watch television regularly. I don ...
Terminator Eyes: Augmented Reality In Contact Lenses

Terminator Eyes: Augmented Reality In Contact Lenses

If you've been keeping up with the latest technology news over the past few days, you might have read a story about these contact lenses which can pic ...
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