Search query: smartphone

5 Online Tools & Gadgets For Those Far Away From Home!

It has been almost a month now that I have been away from home.  For me, home is Manila, Philippines, but right now my temporary home is in Cincinnati ...
Geeky Granny Inspiration: Adorable Crocheted Androids

Geeky Granny Inspiration: Adorable Crocheted Androids

I love grannies. They are so cute and fun to talk to, especially when they start telling stories about when they were young. I love geeky grannies e ...
Extreme Rock Paper Scissors: 4 New Throws To Spice It Up!

Extreme Rock Paper Scissors: 4 New Throws To Spice It Up!

I know this might be a little bit painful to think about, but do you remember back when we didn't have smartphones? Those were the days when a mobile ...
This Family Unplugged For 6 Months & Lived To Tell About it

This Family Unplugged For 6 Months & Lived To Tell About it

Hmm... unplugging for six months? Are you kidding me? I can't even imagine unplugging for one week. I'm so connected to my online world that I sleep w ...
Alertron: The Bluetooth Babysitter For Your Phone

Alertron: The Bluetooth Babysitter For Your Phone

It's interesting to me that as the number of gadgets we get grows, so do the number of products that help us keep up with them. We depend on our tech ...
Interesting Facts About The Angry Birds Magic

Interesting Facts About The Angry Birds Magic

Just like there was a special edition of Angry Birds for Halloween and Christmas, there will be a pink foo-foo romantic version released for Valentine ...
Most Children Learn Computer Skills Before Life Skills

Most Children Learn Computer Skills Before Life Skills

This is very interesting to me. It hits home because when I saw my sister and her three-year-old son a month ago, I noticed something that seemed a l ...
iPhone Skin Goes Polaroid And Becomes The Ultimate Photo App!

iPhone Skin Goes Polaroid And Becomes The Ultimate Photo App!

It's a well known fact that the iPhone sports some rather cool photo apps, and they come downloadable for a very cheap price compared to other cameras ...

5 Traits Common To All Facebook Addicts!

Facebook is so popular that a movie was already made and watched by people everywhere who use the site often. Who would not like using the site? It ...
How To: Recycle Old Jeans Into A Cell Phone Case

How To: Recycle Old Jeans Into A Cell Phone Case

For a woman, finding the perfect pair of blue jeans is like finding the Holy Grail. We try on dozens of pairs, and once we find the right ones, we lo ...
Eat This iPhone: Android Can Hold Its Own After All!

Eat This iPhone: Android Can Hold Its Own After All!

I have an Android phone. Sometimes it feels like I'm on an island because everywhere I turn, I'm surrounded by iPhone users. I love my Droid X. I t ...
This Is How A Cell Phone Keyboard Should Be Done!

This Is How A Cell Phone Keyboard Should Be Done!

The one most argued feature of the cell phone is probably the keyboard. There are really two camps that battle for their way of setting it up. The t ...
Here Is An iPhone App That Makes Popcorn!

Here Is An iPhone App That Makes Popcorn!

People can't live without their cell phones, especially now with the smartphones that allow us to do so many things other than just send SMS and call. ...
MetaTrend Smartbook | iPad is Obsolete On So Many Levels!

MetaTrend Smartbook | iPad is Obsolete On So Many Levels!

It ain't often I get really hyped about a concept design and wish it would come true in the instant I see it. But this time I can't wait for this "thi ...

eReading Anytime, Anywhere!

Reading novels is one of my favorite pastimes.  It lets me experience new cultures, and takes me to other worlds.  I believe the reason for my being a ...
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